Small question about a cronjob


Verified User
Dec 3, 2005
Hi guyz,
I was wondering... Am not too familiar with cronjobs so I use the DA cronjob possibility...

I've got a little problem.. I've got a reseller package and I created a few users, but I didn't give cronjobs to any of them, because I want the crons for my resellers to run under my administrator account... And that's where my problem is....

If I set up a cronjob for a reseller under the administrator account then it doesn't work, however if I give my reseller users cronjobs and add the exact same cronjob there then it runs without any problems...

So my question: Is it possible to create cronjobs under the DA administrator account for resellers... I thought since you are the administrator then a cronjob should run because i'm an administrator...

I run Debian Linux Sarge..

Thanks for any help... :)
Administrator accounts have no special privileges in linux. You may need to set up the cronjobs manuallly as root. You can set them up to run in the user cron-space, as the user, but they'll have to be done from the command line as root.

Could DA be changed to allow the admin to set up a user cronjob? Yes; perhaps you should suggest this as a new feature.

Note that if you've set the user/reseller to manage his/her own cronjobs, the cronjobs you set up WILL appear in the user interface.

Note also I haven't tried this so I don't know if setting up a user cronjob as root will override the setting to not allow the user to manage his/her own cronjobs, but I know theyll work.

Thanks Jeff,
That was a very clear and usefull answer.. I'll make a request for a feature like this...

Thanks for your help... :)