How do I edit my own account?

Mike Healan

Verified User
Dec 1, 2003
When I created my reseller account (as admin), I had to give it a domain. How do I edit the details for that domain as a regular user? It's not listed among the other users. The "Modify your own account" button only lets me edit the domain's usage quotas. If I choose "log in as this user", it send me to the admin log in. I need to set up email accounts and do a few other things for that domain.
You already have a reseller account just being admin. If you want to change anything with regard to your domain you should do so as the user, just click the user panel.
Your "admin" account is automatically created with your default domain name. This consists of all three levels of control: admin, reseller and user. If you created an additional reseller account under your "admin" user, with another username, you need to log into that reseller account to modify its user data. If you're simply trying to edit your main domain (which will exist under the username "admin"), then login as "admin" and go to the user panel from there.
ach.... Now I have it. For some reason I had to go in from the reseller panel. It wouldn't work if I tried going there from the user or admin panel.
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I don't know. Do I?

This is my first time on DirectAdmin and it said I needed a reseller set up before I could add domains.

DA is built just Object Oriented code. All accounts start out with a base User account. This setups up their personal space, passwords and basic DA login system. Resellers are just Users with and extra wrapper around them providing them with extra tools/privileges. Admins are just a wrapper around Resellers. So by clicking "Reseller Panel" as an admin, you will see your Reseller tools, which is a regualr Reseller account within your Admin account. You can also click "User Panel" to access your user account where you can create domains like a normal User.

Note: the "Domain Already Exists" means that the zone is already in the /etc/named.conf

I gotcha. So I didn't need to create a reseller to act like one logged in as admin.

I'm moving to a more powerful server anyway. I'll do it right next now that I have some idea what I'm doing.