Squirrelmail and Uebimail errors


Verified User
Aug 2, 2003
Schenectady, NY
Errors show in both mail programs. It is not 100% all the time, but it does appear to be a problem. Any input would be apprecitated.

replyto)) { $excl_ar = $header->getAddr_a('replyto'); } /** * 2) Remove our identities from the CC list (they still can be in the * TO list) only if $include_self_reply_all is turned off */ if (!$include_self_reply_all) { $email_address = strtolower(trim(getPref($data_dir, $username, 'email_address'))); $excl_ar[$email_address] = ''; $idents = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'identities'); if ($idents != '' && $idents > 1) { $first_id = false; for ($i = 1; $i < $idents; $i ++) { $cur_email_address = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'email_address' . $i); $cur_email_address = strtolower(trim

assign("umUser",$f_user); $smarty->assign("umJS",$jssource); $refreshurl = "msglist.php?sid=$sid&tid=$tid&lid=$lid&folder=".urlencode($folder)."&pag=$pag&refr=true"; function my_connect() { global $UM,$sid,$tid,$lid; if(!$UM->mail_connect()) { Header("Location: error.php?err=1&sid=$sid&tid=$tid&lid=$lid\r\n"); exit; } if(!$UM->mail_auth(true)) { Header("Location: badlogin.php?sid=$sid&tid=$tid&lid=$lid\r\n"); exit; } } if( !is_array($sess["headers"][base64_encode(strtolower($folder))]) || isset($decision) || isset($refr)) { my_connect(); $sess["auth"] = true; $headers = $sess["headers"][base64_encode(strtolower($folder))]; if(isset($start_pos) && isset($end_pos)) { for($i=$start_pos;$i<$end_pos;$i++) { if(isset(${"msg_$i"})) { if ($decision == "delete") { $UM->mail_delete_msg($headers[$i],$prefs["save-to-trash"],$prefs["st-only-read"]); } else { $UM->mail_move_msg($headers[$i],$aval_folders); } $expunge = true; } } if($expunge) { //$UM->mail_expunge(); if($prefs["save-to-trash"]) unset($sess["headers"][base64_encode("trash")]); if ($decision == "move") unset($sess["headers"][base64_encode(strtolower($aval_folders))]); //some servers, don't hide deleted messages until you don't disconnect $SS->Save

Yes, PHP is enabled. These errors don't come up every time, but are frequent. Also, they don't happen on all accounts.


Hmm.. I've recently heard of one other case of this, but am waiting on a reply from them. I'm a bit baffled as to what is going on if PHP is in fact enabled. I'd be going straight to the apache logs to look for a possible reason:


The log files just show:

[Sun Dec 28 14:21:34 2003] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/smkdvr42/domains/domain.com/public_html/"../images/minus.png/"

a bunch of those...

nothing else that would be particularly revealing...
I had a look at the other system that had the problem, but couldn't find out what's going on. It works fine 95% of the time, but sometimes php just spits out the code for no particular reason. Nothing is logged in error, and just seems like it doesn't know that anything is wrong. If anyone else has had this problem and knows whats up, let us know. My only guess is a memory issue, but I'm not too sure it's the cause. It seems completely random and spurratic, which makes it very difficult to debug.

If this helps any, you're not going to see any error message for something like this by default in any log. You need to make sure log_errors = On in php.ini and error_log is set in php.ini.

These are both off by default.
Good idea.. however, I'm not sure that any php parsing is being done at all. It's just spitting out the raw code without any php parsing :p. One of the boxes is getting all new hardward, so we'll see if that was the issue.

Same here

My clients are also noticing the same problem. It does not happen everytime, but enough to the point that they are a little bit uncomfortable with the webmail.

We have been using exact same server for hosting (we have more than 10 others like this). What confuses me is, if this is related to hardware problems it would likely that the server will somehow go down/crash at one point. But, we have never rebooted the server for 116 days (the first time we put this server in production) and Direct Admin has been extremely stable (never seen any control panel this stable before).

So, any input will be very much appreciated.

Thank you,
