Single user retallying


Verified User
Jun 22, 2003
I'm almost positive someone posted this before, but I can't seem to locate the thread. Anyway, isn't it possible to retally for one specific user only? Something to the effect of " echo 'action=tally&value=user&user={user}' >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue". I can't remember the syntax.

Thanks :)
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with the bandwidth reset its:

all users:
echo 'action=reset&value=all' >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue

one user:
echo 'action=reset&value=username&type=user' >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue

with the tally for all users it's:

echo "action=tally&value=all" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue

so for an individual user i would assume it is:

echo "action=tally&value=username&type=user" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue

As much as this makes sense, it fails to work :(

Not implemented? Broken? It can't be me!, can it?
Different setup to the bandwidth reset i guess..... cant you do it for all domains? just helps keep all accounts up-to-date with their quotas by doing so, or is there a bad side to it (apart from it uses resouces of course) that i'm missing.. :D

Do it for all domains? Sure I can! :) I just hate to hassle the server with retallying everyone when there's only one user I feel like picking on. Oh well. I'll live. *cough* John *cough*
*cough* yes? *cough*... cold season ;)

Which particular version the above 4 is giving you trouble?

I use the single user tally semi-regularly, so it should work.. how bout checking the contents of /usr/local/directadmin/data to make sure you didn't spell "task.queue" incorrectly :) (I do it all the time)

Then, check /var/log/directadmin/errortaskq.log to see whats up if the task.queue file is removed correctly.

John *cough*

That queue item doesn't look valid.. use


instead of


echo "action=tally&value=freddy&type=user" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue

That would make my first suggestion correct! :D I thought that made sense!

when i put:
echo "action=reset&value=richard&type=user" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue

in /var/log/directadmin/errortaskq.log :

2005:06:07-08:37:00: executeCommand: can't figure out what to tally for action=tally&value=richard

DA version: 1.24.2

I just had to do a tally for a single user and it worked but it does not update the values on the reseller-level while viewing a list of users or at the admin level viewing all users, this still shows the old values before the tally.

I am running this on RedHat 9 with DA 1.25.1

Correct, a User tally is just that, a User tally.

If you want an updated Reseller tally, do the same thing, but use action=tally&type=reseller&value=resellername

I understand that but I would expect that when I retally a user and it's updated the info in the users control panel that it would update the information of that user in the "List Users" at the resellerlevel and "Show all Users" at the admin level.


User = onno
Diskusage = 150Mb

List Users shows 150Mb for user onno
Show all Users shows 150Mb for user onno
User Control Panel shows 150Mb for user onno

User removes 100Mb of data and asks for a retally
After the retally

User = onno
Diskusage = 50Mb

List Users shows 150Mb for user onno
Show all Users shows 150Mb for user onno
User Control Panel shows 50Mb for user onno

when I would expect it to be

User = onno
Diskusage = 50Mb

List Users shows 50Mb for user onno
Show all Users shows 50Mb for user onno
User Control Panel shows 50Mb for user onno