Sending 'Mass' emails to all server email accounts.


Verified User
Apr 7, 2004
I'm curious, I've found it almost becoming a growing nessecity that when I make changes on my server to notify all users about it. Not just the account holders who create the accounts, but even the Virtual POP3 accounts underneath them.

Since I'm the admin AND reseller, I've found that I have communication with the account buyers and their virtual POP account holders beneath them. This past weekend I made a working change to re-enabling SpamAssassin and would like to communicate this to ALL email accounts across the server.

Is there a script, plugin or something for DA that will let me send one email, but have it delivered to all Virtual POP, and standard accounts on the server?
Looking for the same here... Or at least a way to extract them to a list (so i can exclude some of them).
Do you really want to do that? For example, if your client is John and John offers email to his wife and kids, do you really want your server emails to go to his wife and kids?

If one of your clients, Alex has 73 employees, do you really want them to get your server emails?

It would be easy enough to create a script to do so, but I'm not going to, because I do have external resellers and keeping track of whom to send emails to would be a bit of a difficulty.

Let me jump back in and clarify things a bit. All of my webhosting customers and their employees, family, friends, etc are all people I know face to face. In fact the webhosting I do, is for local businesses that I signed up on site for the service, not through my website. They contract me out to do their onsite IT services and other such computer related services. In the process for several of these businesses, they have me manage their email setups and so forth.

What I would like to do is somehow have the option (but not use it except rarely) to broadcast system wide messages letting users know that email may be down during a certain day/time if I'm performing major upgrades. Mainly, because those who bought the accounts don't do that at all, they focus on running their businesses and let me handle the system management.
You can get a list of all active pop accounts using this script:

for DOMAIN in $(find /etc/virtual/* -maxdepth 0 -type d ! -type l ! -name '*_off' ! -name 'usage' ! -name 'majordomo' -printf '%f \n'); do { for USER in $(cut -d: -f1 /etc/virtual/${DOMAIN}/quota); do { echo ${USER}@${DOMAIN} >> /root/activePopAccounts.txt; }; done; }; done;

It will generate a list in /root/activePopAccounts.txt with all e-mails.
Actually this isn't what I was looking for because that adds and extra burden of taking those emails and putting it into a mass emailing program etc. I was wondering about a plugin that can be added to DA that then sends emails out to the account holders registered email address. Not nessecarily every email in a domain.
thas't not an answer...
take this example. I've got one company workers in one domain and want to send to all of them note from server administrator.
when Your sending that note with use this example "Take a look at 3rd and 5th posts in" you're sending that notes only to users not to all mail accounts of that user.