Dynamic DNS


Verified User
Jul 18, 2003
I was wondering. Does anyone know of any opensource PHP/MySQL or Perl scripts to do DynamicDNS? I haven't found much on the specifics?

Just wondering what you all know of...

Thanks in advance

Don't know the answer myself, by perhaps you could explain what DynamicDNS is. Is it an api for domain registration?

I thought it was more like this:
A DynamicDNS service allows you to host a DomainName on your dynamically changing IP.

Most dial-up internet connections, and some 'BroadBand' *cough cough* connections such as TelecomNZ's JetStream (for residential users) are assigned a dynamic IP address, that is every time you connect to the internet your IP address will change.

This makes it practically impossible to host any form of server i.e. mail web or game, and means that if for example you wanted to host a HalfLife game server for your friends you would have to tell them your new IP address each time.

With DynamicDNS, you can have a DomainName pointing at your server so that your friends can just connect to the same address every time. There are many free DynamicDNS services out there, which will give you DomainNames that consist of their DomainName with a name that you choose appended to the front, i.e. fuzzyserver.dynip.org. There are also commercial providers that will let you use your own DomainName (i.e. fuzzyserver.co.nz) for a small fee.
Its simple a ISP can have a normal DNS server. Sometimes you use MySQL, sometimes text file to store the data. What happens is the customer installs a application to login to the ISP DNS server and update the ip address. The app normally does this on boot or reboot, or on every so many minutes. What this allows people to do is if they have a dynamic ip the app will update the DNS server as the ip changes. It is nice for customers that have DSL who don't have static ip's.

Their are scripts but I don't know of any good ones. Thought someone might have some ideas....