Running apt-get update/upgade


New member
May 9, 2007
Will running this as root effect any of the settings which DirectAdmin requires? I ran into this problem with up2date on RH4. Destroyed my Ensim Webppliance. Want to know before I start doing anything on my machine. Thank you!
Generally updating DA servers is much safer than updating (for example) Ensim or Plesk software. That's because those software packages create appliances, while DA software creates a system while still giving you control.

That said, you have to make sure you're excluding from apt-get all systems that DA expects to change itself. For example you should not update (or even have on your server) either the package that adds chrooted bind, or the one that adds the cacheing nameserver. Updating bind alone won't cause a problem but adding either of these might.

....That said, you have to make sure you're excluding from apt-get all systems that DA expects to change itself. For example you should not update (or even have on your server) either the package that adds chrooted bind, or the one that adds the cacheing nameserver.

how we can find out which are all possible concerned? is there any list? whats about own plugins/webmailer or added bibliotheks and modules (perl,..)?
I regularly update the systems packages using apt-get. So far, I have not encountered any problems, even when upgrading from Debian Sarge to Etch.