Wow! DirectAdmin is great!


Verified User
Jul 9, 2003
Just wanted to thank you!

I'm extremely impressed with DirectAdmin.

Adding the ability to add/delete zones in today's update is great!

I just don't know how you guys can keep adding features so fast!
The secret to pumping out features: create a low level base of tools and reuse them over.. and over.. and over .. and over.. :D

In addition to the zone creator/remover, 1.14 has nameserver tools such that a reseller can now add a virtual nameserver using the same ip's over and over. Also, he/she can specify the ns's that they will be assigning to new users when they are created. Also, under "modify user", a reseller can swap the nameservers used for that user. It will replace all instances of the old ns's with the new ones specified.

Table pages have been added too. If any table has more than 50 items, it will chop them up into pages. Also some significant optimizations have been made to the filemanager in the way it reads in a diectory and shows the table, which allows far more files to be view. I ran a little test and succesfully loaded 10,000 files into the filemanager in one directory. Before, any more than 500 files would time out. As as you can tell, these optimizations are quite significant, and should speed things up quite a bit.

... and over :D


I guess when you say when a table has over 50 it auto splits it into seperate pages........ if its for things such as the site list......... would it be possible to have a small drop down form at the bottom of the table with an option of displaying results.......

say a default of 25 as default then a drop down that allows the user to chnage to say:


That would be a good little addition and should be easy to do :)

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ProWebUK said:
I guess when you say when a table has over 50 it auto splits it into seperate pages........ tits for things such as the site list......... would it be possible to have a small drop down form at the bottom of the table with an option of displaying results.......

Ya, tits for that. :D
lol how did you notice that! i didn't until you just pointed it out and i guess Mark didn't either.... :p

Its edited out now anyway :)

You've done it again.

This afternoon I had a reseller call and ask if I could allow a few users to have external access to their MySQL databases - so I went in and added the access for those users.

Then at around 6PM I got an email from my DA box saying it's been updated -

To my suprise I saw: "Allows external computers to access the mysql database. User can use any ip, hostname, and can combine with wildcards."


Thanks Again! If you keep this up, I really don't see any reason why anyone would use anything BUT DA, even now there is little reason to use anything else.:)

I'm still wishing I didn't have so many Ensim licenses. Maybe If I wish long enough you guys will come out with a patch to turn Ensim servers into DA:)

There is an Ensim --> DA converter available

Thanks I know - and hopefully I'll be able to use it soon.

It was more of a joke - "one day all of my 'other CP' servers just turned into DA servers!"

The way you guys turn out updates and features I almost wouldn't be suprised:)