Is it possible to move users between resellers?


Verified User
Jun 24, 2003
on the net!

I wonder if it is possible to move users between resellers.
I double checked DA control panel for this but can not find it anywhere.

What i want to do is move a site/user from resellerA to resellerB account.

This is possible, however, you have to modify two files on the system, and change the reseller who created the account. Offhand, I don't remember the names of the two files, but Mark or John can tell you...
Through DirectAdmin, not at the momment. It shouldn't be too hard to add that functionality though.. we'll add it to the list.

If you want to manually do it, edit:

and set the "creator" to the new reseller.

and add the user to the list

and remove the user from the list.

A tool to do this should be quite easy and straight forward. It will most likely be an "admin only" tool.

Is it possible to move a user to a admin account? I currently have a reseller account but recreating it as an admin and don't want to lose the users owned by it.
  • DirectAdmin Support said:
    A tool to do this should be quite easy and straight forward. It will most likely be an "admin only" tool.
    Hello John.

    Please can you update this thread with any progress on "user moving / user renaming" techniques.

    Thanks in advance!
Posted this question to support, thought I should add the question, and hopefully a solution to it here.
I got a user I want to move from reseller1 to reseller2
The user is on it’s own IP owned by reseller1.
How do I move the user AND the IP to reseller2?

The IP itself won't change in the user account itself. If you want to move the IP over too, then:

1) edit:

remove the ip from reseller1 and put it in reseller2

2) edit /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/ips/ (where is the ip) and change "reseller=reseller1" to "reseller=reseller2"

And also move the user using the steps mentioned previously.

These would be great features to have built into the DA GUI. Thanks for the how-to.