550 Error


Verified User
Mar 25, 2004
Hello everyone

I recently started using Direct Admin with my new server from nac.net and I gotta say... it kicks butt! However.. I'm having problem sending mail to some outside addreses. Seems that whenever I send mail to lets say... a comcast.net user... I get this message

"This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

[email protected]
SMTP error from remote mailer after RCPT TO:<[email protected]>:
host gateway-s.comcast.net []: 550 [PERMFAIL] comcast.net requires valid sender"

I noticed that my /etc/exim.conf file is empty... Should it be? I searched the fourms for a straight answer and couldn't find one. Any help appreciated. Thanks!
the file should _NOT_ be empty; I have no idea how it would have gotten that way <frown>.

I don't have a copy of the master one handy; mine has been drasticallly changed, but someone should have one for you.

You might want to check with DA support; if so be sure to let them know which version of Exim you're running, as DA can run with several versions.

The way to find out which version you're running is to connect via telnet on port 25 and see what version exim returns.

I'm running the latest that came with DA. I just found out it's only my domain that is having problems sending email... everyone else is fine. Any ideas?
Alex04RL said:
I'm running the latest that came with DA.
That doesn't answer my question. We need to know which version of exim you're running to send you the latest exim.conf file.
I just found out it's only my domain that is having problems sending email... everyone else is fine. Any ideas?
Are you sure your exim.conf file is empty?

Since comcast.net requires a valid sender the questions are does your domain exist? Does the user you're sending from exist? Does your domain properly resolve to your DA system?

If all these questions are yes but your exim.conf file is empty, then you'll still have problems.

We need more information.

ahh nevermind... its not empty. It was a type-o. I think i found the problem tho... no mail server on the net is picking up my mx records... I just recreated them to see if that would work...
It's unlikely that rewriting them would help, but it could.

If you're still having the problem in the morning, and if you're willing to post your real domain (the one you can't send from) we can check it for you, and even better, teach you how to check it.


Just searched the forums and found this thread. I also had a new directadmin install, and just noticed the same error, also going to a comcast.net address:

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

[email protected]
SMTP error from remote mailer after RCPT TO:<[email protected]>
host gateway-s.comcast.net []: 550 [PERMFAIL] comcast.net requires valid sender

Domain webhostnow.com if that helps,
:D Assuming that NAC does not have their entire ip blocks listed in a RBL somewhere again. :D

I actaully feel bad for the net ops people at NAC, they get their network screwed by worthless customers all the time.
Just found out my ip is listed at spews.

Is that the kind of error message that would be generated if the email was rejected by comcast because of the spews listing?

It could be if they had a "broken" smtp server.

While smtp servers should list a specific reason, many do not.

I've got this exact problem too.

I know this is an old thread, but the topic is the same.

I'm running exim 4.62 with the latest exim.conf from nobalony.net

In the handshake exim claims to be host srv1.jdubconsulting.com (which it is), but the email is from a user at the domain allthingsmoto.com (both hosted by me).

How can I get exim to say it's a different server based on the email address it's sending from? Since that appears to be the problem.
jw00dy said:
I've got this exact problem too.

jw00dy said:
I guess no one knows.

If you are not using some rather old exim.conf file from 2004 days, whatever problem they had back then probably has nothing to do with you.

If your mail bounces with "requires valid sender" error, make sure the sender's mail address is valid. Exim is configured to check sender's email address for quite some time now.
The problem was due to comcast for some reason not being able to resolve my domain name. Everyone else was fine, but they weren't. So basically, they thought the domain I was sending from didn't exist.

I emailed their postmaster and they never did reply, but the next day oddly enough it worked and has been ever since.