

Verified User
Jul 22, 2003
I do change allot of files and customize allot but when i run the update...everything is overwritten.

So my question is:

If i push the install butten i dont want to install it directly but only want to retrieve the file and thats it....is that possible?

Better thing is to create a tar file with ONLY the files that has been changed.....

Is this possible?
You'll have to be more specific than "everything" :)

But I'll assume you are referrning to you httpd.conf files... in which case you have to use the templates. The default templates will be overwritten as well for each update, which is why we have the "custom" folder.


Have a look at the end of the thread.

In response to "update only what needs updating"... the way our system works is that updates and installs use the same file, so the base skins packages, binaries, and templates are written each time.

No i mean i run Exim 4 so when i do an update i must delete exim 3 and reinstall exim 4 again...kinda stupid isnt it..

Why should i want to update(reinstall) everything for such minor updates every time??? kinda stupid itsnt it?

So isnt there an other solution like give us only the files that must be replaced??? when it are minor updates?
Why on earth would you need to install exim each time? :confused:

Our updator makes the odd adjustment to the exim.conf file, but they are version independant (same config syntax for the changes we make, which are few).. The only other thing you might be talking about is the exim.pl file, which is used for authentication.. I've just removed that from the update.sh script.

Maybe you could give a bit more info about what is going on :)

Hmmm, :) i thought it reinstalled exim also...

Ok what is being updated then when you do an update?
Things in /etc/rc.d/initd/ ??? or only in /usr/local/directadmin??

Nothing too major really.

files that *will* be changed each time:

/usr/local/directadmin/logger (depreciated, but still sending)
/usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/* (doesn't touch the custom folder)
/usr/local/directadmin/scripts/* (doesn't touch the packages folder)

other than that, you can have a look inside:
to see what the lastest update changed outside of those file.. if anything. I have been including the updates for past releases just in case some copies didn't get updated for whatever reason.

The odd time I'll make a change to a file in the init.d... but very rarely... this is only for new programs (ex: da-popb4smtp), or surgical changes to files in there to change how they work. I don't usually just overwrite them (although it might be needed someday).

Hope this clears things up for you.. and saves you some time ;)
