Email and Password


Verified User
Jan 13, 2004
If I want to check the email address and the password of a specific account and want to send the password to this email address.

Which API should I use? and what parameter should I get/post?


*Assumed I have right to get passwords! :)
No-one can get passwords; they're protected by a one-way encode.

If you're root you can change system passwords from the shell.

Non system users can be changed only from the DirectAdmin control panel interface.

If you're admin, you can change all the non-system on the server; if you're a reseller you can change all the non-system passwords for yourself and your clients.

Thanks Jeff!

Just want to know if there is a function like "Forgot password".

Some users asked me like that..

So I am finding way to have a solution.
I found a rather nice option for that. We use it our selve at some site's. It goes like this: you give a user a password. You save it somewhere in a database and send a letter with that password to the user. Then you force your user to change that password at the beginning of the login. At this way every user uses it's own passwords.

When somebody forgot's there password, then you can socalled reset it. This wil change the password to the standard password for that user. No the user can take his letter or e-mail where the origional password was printed on and he/she can login. Then after the reset, they can login, and then the have to change there password again.

I'll hope it wil be implementated.
It's a good way!

However, can I change the user's password using API then?

From your reseller panel there's a "Change User Passwords" option.

jlasman said:

From your reseller panel there's a "Change User Passwords" option.


O Jeff, I mean if I can do it with API calls??

Such that the password reset can be done automatically! =)
post following data to /CMD_USER_PASSWD