switch to suphp


Verified User
Mar 29, 2005
If I switch to using suphp then does that means I have to switch to using php as cgi?

If that's true then how does running suphp and php as cgi affect html documents with php embedded in them?
So does that mean that html documents cannot run php code in them?
If you are talking about files with ".html" extension, it has nothing to do with mod_php or PHP-CGI; you simply have to specify .html files as MIME application/x-httpd-php5 and they will be parsed as PHP files. If your .html files are running PHP now, they will with PHP-CGI too.

If you are talking about .php files with direct HTML code inside, again it has nothing to do with mod_php or PHP-CGI; anything before "<?php" and after "?>" just passes through, will it be HTML or your shopping list :)