Webalizer fails to build in custombuild.


Verified User
Nov 5, 2003
I am running CentOS 5.2

If I run ./build webalizer I get the following error:

configure: error: gd library not found.. please install libgd

I have installed libgd

I have tried everything related to the problem found here online

there is no webalizer binary for my OS, or I am not seeing it at:


I have tried everything in the following locations:


I have tried ./build all
I have tried yum install gd

Still not having any luck. Seems like other are having trouble with CentOS 5.x too...

Please help, I have spent two solid days on this...
Okay here is what I did to fix webalizer. YMMV

I SSH to my server to see if I can find out why it isn't finding libgd...

It is failing during the configure part of the build script so I:

# cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
# nano build
I then press ctrl-W and type "dowebalizer" (webalizer took too many next searches)

I looked at the configure line and noticed it was set for:
 ./configure --prefix=${PREFIX} --with-png=/usr/local/lib --with-gdlib=/usr/local/lib --with-gd=/usr/local/include --enable-dns --with-dblib --with-db --with-z-inc --with-zlib
Looking at my file system, I could see that most of those files were in directories /usr/lib and /usr/include (notice the "local" is missing?) and the ones that were in the local folder were symbolic links to the /usr/bin and /usr/includes so I edited the line to read:

./configure --prefix=${PREFIX} --with-png=/usr/lib --with-gdlib=/usr/lib --with-gd=/usr/include --enable-dns --with-dblib --with-db --with-z-inc --with-zlib
I hit ctrl-O to write the changes. I hit ctrl-X to exit nano
I then ran the command:

# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib
(I removed the "local" part of the path.)

I then ran ./build webalizer, and bingo. it works!
Glad I could be of help. I am good at modifying existing code, but have never actually learned to code (other than BASIC back in the 80's).

Is it a different location for different OS's?

The /usr/local location was back when we installed GD from source with customapache. Php5 includes gd built in these days, so custombuild doesn't have gd in it anymore. The webalizer configure line was leftover from back when we had installed gd from source. Now it just depends where your packages are, if you even have them installed.

custombuild doesn't work for centos 5. A lot of message in different forum.
I've found solution in another post :
wget -O /usr/local/bin/webalizer http://files.directadmin.com/services/5/webalizer
chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/webalizer
Not so clear...

#  /usr/local/bin/webalizer -d
Webalizer V2.01-10 (Linux English
Using logfile STDIN (clf)
Creating output in current directory
Hostname for reports is 'serveur3.3go.fr'
History file not found...

and nothing else ...
Not so clear...

#  /usr/local/bin/webalizer -d
Webalizer V2.01-10 (Linux English
Using logfile STDIN (clf)
Creating output in current directory
Hostname for reports is 'serveur3.3go.fr'
History file not found...

and nothing else ...
This means its installed correct, now enable webalizer in your directadmin.conf and wait until DA generated the new stats.

My opinion: use AWStats.

We never had any problems with installing webalizer on CentOS 5.x x86/x86_64 boxes.

Also for people that need the binary file for CentOS 5.x (not x86_64!);
wget -O /usr/bin/webalizer http://files.directadmin.com/services/5/webalizer
chmod 755 /usr/bin/webalizer
Is there any reason with this is not listed on the help page ? only up to ES 4.x
Thanks daveyw

2 things I do not understand in your post :

Also for people that need the binary file for CentOS 5.x (not x86_64!);
wget -O /usr/bin/webalizer http://files.directadmin.com/services/5/webalizer
chmod 755 /usr/bin/webalizer

Do you mean, I do something for 32 bits system ?
Because I have 64bits system.

This means its installed correct, now enable webalizer in your directadmin.conf and wait until DA generated the new stats.
webalizer is activate by default in directadmin, so no need to activate it.

So what do you mean by enable in directadmin.conf ?

My opinion: use AWStats.
Stupid question: can we run the 2 system (awstats and webalizer) in the same time in directadmin ?
Just because my user has webalizer, and maybe they do not like awstats...
EDIT : it seems possible to have these 2 stats program in the same time.
I had in directadmin.conf :

Thanks for your help
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Thanks daveyw
No problem :)
Do you mean, I do something for 32 bits system ?
Because I have 64bits system.
The file is only for non x86_64 systems. But for you its already working, so no need to wget it.
webalizer is activate by default in directadmin, so no need to activate it.

So what do you mean by enable in directadmin.conf ?
We had some servers that had webalizer not activated in directadmin.conf, but if its already activated then its okay.
Stupid question: can we run the 2 system (awstats and webalizer) in the same time in directadmin ?
Just because my user has webalizer, and maybe they do not like awstats...
Yes, thats possible. You can install AWStats from the '/scripts/' directory with ./awstats.sh
Thanks for your help
No problem at all.
Hi, thanks for quick reply, I've already edit my post for last question.

=> I have always this :
#  /usr/local/bin/webalizer
Webalizer V2.01-10 (Linux English
Using logfile STDIN (clf)
Creating output in current directory
Hostname for reports is 'serveur3.3go.fr'
History file not found...
Nothing happend after that.

=> I install awstats with custombuild and activate it in directadmin.conf.

Last question (I hope) :
How to force awstats to run now, so I can see awstats stats ?

EDIT : echo 'action=tally&value=all' >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
Because in directadmin, I see :

mydomain no awstats (webalizer)
I can click on webalizer, and see no results. But I can't click on awstats.
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After this
echo 'action=tally&value=all' >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
Stats for awstats are here.

But for webalizer, nothing...
I just want understand why webalizer do not work...

Thanks for your help, at least, my user have stats again