Should I use custom build ?


Verified User
Dec 7, 2005

I have old DA installation with following:
DA : 1.29.x
Apache 1.3.x
Php 4.4.x

Basically everything is old.. now I want upgrade, never used custombuild before..

I have few doubts..

1. CustomApache is gone I guess.. replaced by custombuild ?? Right ?

2. Can I use custombuild without any problem ?

3. I have eacceleartor installed, will I be required to install eaccelerator again ?

Should I just follow Custombuild FAQ/ Tutorial and I will be able to update everthing ?

Anything I should keep note before upgrading ?
when i passed form customapache to custombuild i had some problems cause is more complete and so you have to setup your optin before run it, but, after that i can say is very nice and work fine, but, honestly cant reply about eaccelerator cause i dont see it on option avaible

here the list of options:

  Other options:
     ./build apache
     ./build autoconf
     ./build automake
     ./build awstats
     ./build create_options
     ./build cron
     ./build curl
     ./build dovecot
     ./build exim_conf
     ./build freetype
     ./build iconv
     ./build icu
     ./build libjpeg
     ./build libpng
     ./build libtool
     ./build libxml2
     ./build libxslt
     ./build mcrypt
     ./build mhash
     ./build mod_perl
     ./build mysql
     ./build pcre
     ./build php
     ./build proftpd
     ./build rewrite_confs
     ./build secure_php
     ./build suphp
     ./build update_versions
     ./build update_webapps
     ./build used_configs
     ./build versions
     ./build webalizer
     ./build zend
     ./build uebimiau

  Jailed shell (beta):
     ./build all_jail
     ./build coreutils
     ./build shell
     ./build smtp_mail
     ./jail/ user

  Remove old build data:
     ./build clean
     ./build clean_old_webapps

  Get latest build script or (and) data:
     ./build update
     ./build update_script

  Get data for current build script:
     ./build update_data

  Set option:
     ./build set option_name value

  These functions are only recommended for experienced users:
     ./build php4-cli
     ./build php5-cli
     ./build php4-cgi
     ./build php5-cgi
     ./build todovecot

  You can pass a 2nd argument to automate the input:
     ./build <option> d : do the default action
     ./build <option> y : answer yes to all questions
     ./build <option> n : answer no to all questions