slow dns reponse


Verified User
Jan 23, 2004
hi everyone,

i am having a little trouble with my dns. When ever i go to one of domains on the server, it takes a long while to do the dns. Once this is done the page lists very quickly. When i did a dns speed test on it tells me that my dns reponse is like 350 milliseconds which is terrible. What do i do? any suggestions?

maybe it's the location of your server, the speed of your connection, crappy routing, firewall is slowing it down.

just my best guesses.
What did dnsstuff say was the probable cause? Do you have a very busy server? Could be if recursive lookups were allowed.
the server is dead quiet so i doubt that it is a bandwidth problem. dns stuff gave it an "F". The internet speed it fine when loading pages.
Try doing some hop tests. The more hops the slower it goes. If its over the recommended number better get in contact with your isp to fix the problem since that would be their responsibility.

Also might want to try recompiling named and see if that changes anything. Don't forget to backup.

If its still acting up better send a secure request to DA so they can take a look.
in linux traceroute <ip address>

in dos tracert <ip address>

maybe post your results here taking out the your server IP in there, no need to have that on here.