Optimal Backup solution


Verified User
Aug 14, 2008

Currently we use Rsync to backup our servers including the system state of a server. Now we make zipfiles of every file and ftp that to our backup servers.
When we must recover a DA user we must recover it in separated places, because it is'nt a DA backup.
Now we are wondering what a other solution could be, to make an admin backup throught the admin backup function of DA beside the systemstate backup. And are there possibilities to make it incremental and shrinking the files instead of 1:1 backup each file.
What kind of backup solution do you use, and are you willing to share your solution with us. And also what have you tried, what solution didn't work to prevent double investigation work.
i prefer tar and rsync files from DA and users
if you woild like to backup your system just do incremental backup, only different files are rsyncing

I also always use raid min 5 hard level
What we use will probably not interest you. We make good use of the fact that drives are cheap. Our first backup server used four 250G drives to create a terrabyte solution; now we buy 1.5 TB drives to create 6TB solutions. We make tarball backups weekly (or more often by contract) and save two (or more by contract). We do not use rsync because we want multiple full solutions.

We backup to backup servers on premises, and then copy offsite when our bandwidth usage is low.
