Ensim Like Domain Aliasing ?


Verified User
Jun 24, 2003
on the net!
I am really sorry for comparing Direct Admin to a crappy cp like ensim. But there is something I want to ask :p

On Directadmin when I want to add a domain pointer to a domain it only adds for example
www.domain1.com points to www.domain2.com
No mail forwarding no Ftp login etc.

But what I want is Domain Aliasing like ensim does it.
When I add an alias domain to ensim it also adds ftps mail account everthing just as like master domain.

For example I have got www.domain1.com
and have a user called [email protected]

when I add an alias domain www.domain2.com to that domain my [email protected] email address also starts working as [email protected] without extra editing or else.

Domain2.com becomes complete alias of domain1.com.
This is really easy for me when setting up new sites etc.

My users usually registers both their company addressess in .com and .com.tr extensions.
and they also want their email addressess work for both of these extensions.

Is there anything like that feature in Direct admin?
If not I will be really glad to see a feature like that in upcoming versions :)


Currently its just web pointing, but the other aspects of the pointer seem like a good idea to add :) Added to the list.

I 've done something like this with my .com and .net sites.

(Note for this to work you will have to allow your customer to host more than 1 domain. Change this in the reseller panel.)

1. my .net points to .com
# Go to user panel > Advanced Tools > Host Additional domains
Now create the domain you would like to redirect to your main domain.

2. Now you will redirect the newly created domain to your main domain.
# Click user panel > click on the new domain you just created > advanced tools > site redirection

3. In the Local URL Path:
# Just type a forward slash /

4. Destination URL:
# Type the domain you are redirecting to.

5. Now just create your e-mail forwards and you are good to go.

Hope this helps -Jason
is this all ready fixed or changed in a DA update?
I have with 1 of my users the same problem

He send a mail to domein1.com what is a link to domein1.nl and the mail is comming back with a error