Weird DNS Issue


Verified User
Mar 23, 2004
I got a super weird DNS Issue

all was fine and ok until i've added the new HD and moved /var to it, John and Mark helped me setting all the chmods and stuff

I've even reinstalled bind due to some weird rndc error

all worked fine until now

everytime some user or reseller makes changes to do something with named the DNS dies only from within the data center I can resolve the domains when I do ps aux | grep named

sometimes I see

/bin/sh /sbin/service named reload
/bin/bash /etc/init.d/named reload

other times I see only


after I do service named stop it gets stuck so I do
killall -s9 named
and then service named start

all working fine until someone does something again that has to do when DNS ( Adding New Domains, subdomains, changing DNS records and ext. )

any ideas on how to fix it?

Dr-Host said:
everytime some user or reseller makes changes to do something with named the DNS dies only from within the data center I can resolve the domains when I do ps aux | grep named
You've got me quite confused...

what do you mean you can resolve domains when you do "ps aux | grep named"? This has nothing to do with resolving domains; all it does is tell us whether or not the bind daemon (named) is running.
sometimes I see

/bin/sh /sbin/service named reload
/bin/bash /etc/init.d/named reload

other times I see only

What do you do to see this? I don't see either fo these when doing "ps aux | grep named" and I have no idea what you're doing to see it.

What OS are you running?

Sorry I'll explanie again

when I do
ps aux | grep named
I get

named 28991 0.0 0.1 58692 2944 ? S Jun12 0:04 [named]

but sometimes I see not only [named] but also

/bin/sh /sbin/service named reload
/bin/bash /etc/init.d/named reload

when I see
/bin/sh /sbin/service named reload
/bin/bash /etc/init.d/named reload

I can't resolve the domains via my own ( WINDOWS ) nslookup

and I have to do
service named stop
most of the time it gets stuck so I do CTRL + C

getting some weird rncd error then I do
killall -s9 named

and then
service named start

then everything is working fine for 2-3 hours and then again I have to do restart named

the problem is that not all the time when I do ps aux | grep named I see

/bin/sh /sbin/service named reload
/bin/bash /etc/init.d/named reload

when I do see I know things are fucked up and when I don't see I have to check using some other machine of a friend because mine can resolve the DNS most of the time but others can't resolve at all

Running RH9


Have you tried posting your problem to either the bind-users list (hosted by or the bind users newsgroup?

No but I think its a DA issue because it also happens with Apache

but again it might be only the DNS I'm gonna reinstall the machine and see whats gonna happen
What also happens with apache? Certainly DNS resolution has nothing to do with Apache.

I don't see how it could be a DA issue, since DA doesn't do anything that would shut down your daemons.

Do you mean apache also shuts down?

Have you chedked to make sure your server hasn't been compromised?

Since John and Mark helped you move to a new /var partition, I'd ask them to look at it for you if I were you.

Apache gets issued a reload cmd and then dies and I need to reload it

anyway I'm resinstalling the OS just to make sure thats its not that
Check the boot scripts.... there are known problems with rdnc and named, as for apache.... im unsure with the information you have given.

Anything in the logs at all?

I've reinstalled Named, redownloaded the boot script

I've found some issues with the info within the zone files so I havn't reinstalled yet I'll edit the zone files see it will fix the issue if so all good if not then I'll reinstall the OS and if that wont help I'll move to a diffrent data center because in the old one we didn't had those kind of problems only SQL over load