What version of custombuild?


Verified User
Apr 27, 2009
How can I check what version of custombuild I am using?

I am going to have my datacenter move me to a new server, and I want to know what custombuild version that is recommended to use?

I don't want FrontPage, so should I then choose version 1.1?
Yes, 1.1 is the recommended one. Version is shown on the help page (just run: ./build).
Yes, 1.1 is the recommended one. Version is shown on the help page (just run: ./build).

Thanks! When I run only ./build I have this:

*                                               *
*        DirectAdmin WebServices Installer      *
* Written by Martynas Bendorius and DirectAdmin *
*              Version: 1.2.12                  *
*                                               *

Does that mean I am using custombuild version 1.2 and not 1.1?

Should I ask my datacenter to change it to custombuild 1.1, or is it OK to run custombuild 1.2?
It's okay. 1.2 has newer default versions (PHP 5.3, MySQL 5.1) and alpha support of PHP6 (no PHP4 support). If that's okay for you, use CustomBuild 1.2 on the server, if not:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build set custombuild 1.1
./build update
Thank you! I think I can continue to use custombuild 1.2 then, I don't use PHP4. And as I am using MySQL 5.0.90 and PHP 5.2.12 at the moment, it seems that it's not a problem to use a different version then the default in custombuild 1.2 (I don't want PHP 5.3 etc yet).
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