

Verified User
May 11, 2004
I'm confused, better to say, i have lost the right track.

I setup my first DA, works great.
Now I want to have an 2nd dns. As I understand, bind can be configured with master and slave.

I read things of shell-scripts and things as copy them manual :(

I thought there would be an more effective way to do this, like see that bind does the replicating.

I just donot know how to do this. Can someone point me into the right direction, to an small howto manual????

Please ;)
BIND does the replicating.

Always has.

Always will.

But BIND will NEVER replicate the list of domains to replicate. It's a design decision.

While lesser folk such as you and I might want to disagree it must be a good design decision; BIND runs the backbone of the world's largest distributed database.

It's easy enough to write scripts to (once or twice daily) grab the contents of all your systems' /etc/named.conf files, massage them so they'll reference slave zones rather than master zones, and restart BIND so you'll pull the zone files for the latest additions.

The good news (I suppose) is that such a set of scripts is on my list of future offerings to the community; the bad news is (as everyone who reads these forums must know by now) that I just don't have time to do everything as quickly as I'd like.
