PCRE_UTF8 no longer installed after update


Verified User
Jul 10, 2008
UTF8 support is no longer installed after the update from PHP Apache and PCRE

when I run "pcretest -C" it tells me:
PCRE version 8.02 2010-03-19
Compiled with
  UTF-8 support
  Unicode properties support

So most likely it is using the standard version on PCRE bundeled with apache.

Did someone else run into this problem?
What O/S are you running? I'm running Debian Lenny.

I think mine might be a little outdated - and potentially not configured either:

pcretest -C
PCRE version 8.00 2009-10-19
Compiled with
No UTF-8 support
No Unicode properties support
Newline sequence is LF
\R matches all Unicode newlines
Internal link size = 2
POSIX malloc threshold = 10
Default match limit = 10000000
Default recursion depth limit = 10000000
Match recursion uses stack
Sweet ... I'm big fan of Fedora/RH/Centos too! (Red Hat was where my Linux days started).

when you did the "update" - what method did you use? via DirectAdmin or via the Software Vendor?
hmm that's strange - I've also just (in the last 24 hrs) done a DirectAdmin update - and it didn't change mine (as you can see by the cmd output).


I didn't do a ./build update_versions (just a ./build update) - and when I run "./build versions" I get this:

 ./build versions
Latest version of DirectAdmin: 1.35.1
Installed version of DirectAdmin: 1.35.1

Latest version of Apache: 2.2.15
Installed version of Apache: 2.2.14

Apache 2.2.14 to 2.2.15 update is available.

Latest version of PCRE: 8.02
Installed version of PCRE: 8.00

PCRE 8.00 to 8.02 update is available.

Latest version of curl: 7.20.0
Installed version of curl: 7.19.7

cURL 7.19.7 to 7.20.0 update is available.

Latest version of FreeType: 2.3.12
Installed version of FreeType: 2.3.11

FreeType 2.3.11 to 2.3.12 update is available.

Latest version of dovecot: 1.2.11
Installed version of dovecot: 1.2.9

Dovecot 1.2.9 to 1.2.11 update is available.

Latest version of PHP (CLI): 5.2.13
Installed version of PHP (CLI): 5.2.12

PHP5 (CLI) 5.2.12 to 5.2.13 update is available.

Latest version of RoundCube webmail: 0.3.1
Installed version of RoundCube webmail: 0.3.1

Latest version of phpMyAdmin: 3.3.1-all-languages
Installed version of phpMyAdmin: 3.2.5-all-languages

phpMyAdmin 3.2.5-all-languages to 3.3.1-all-languages update is available.

Latest version of SquirrelMail: 1.4.20
Installed version of SquirrelMail: 1.4.20-RC2

SquirrelMail webmail 1.4.20-RC2 to 1.4.20 update is available.

so my PCRE is slightly out of date - perhaps I'll wait now until this is resolved. Hopefully not long, because I like to keep my dovecot up-to-date.
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arg any idea how to resolve this?

I have the same problem, I updated now I have no UTF8, it is making all my DB's CRAWL!!! After I repaired a database that was running slow it showed almost all the tables as having no Collation (almost all were UTF-8) I too updated via directadmin ./build update

Had this same issue on my server after updating MySQL to 5.1 and running ./build php n afterwards. Was able to fix it by running:

./build pcre

This downloads and installs the new version of pcre. I restarted apache for good measure. My site was still showing the error, but it was just Drupal caching. You can clear out any caching on your sites, or wait for the max-cache timeout to occur.
NOTE: When you update DirectAdmin it doesn't change anything with Apache, since DirectAdmin has his own service.
Had this same issue on my server after updating MySQL to 5.1 and running ./build php n afterwards. Was able to fix it by running:

./build pcre

This downloads and installs the new version of pcre. I restarted apache for good measure. My site was still showing the error, but it was just Drupal caching. You can clear out any caching on your sites, or wait for the max-cache timeout to occur.
This also worked for me!
Thanks a ton :)