2 custombuild folders?

Martyn Day

Verified User
Jul 15, 2009
how do i check what folder my server is using?

i have for some reason


i dont want to delete the one im using? any help please...
CustomBuild is most assuredly not dead. It is the DirectAdmin software management system; it manages the hosting software stack.

If no one responded it's most likely because no one knows the answer; because no one else has two such files.

My guess is that you tried to install custombuild twice and somehow got two copies on your server. I have no idea which is the right one for you.

I'd suggest removing both and reinstalling custombuild.

Removing CustomBuild will remove source directories; it shouldn't remove running code.

Of course if I'm wrong, then custombuild1 may have something else in it; in that case i don't know.

I, or any other experienced DirectAdmin server administrator, could log into your server and fix the issue for you, and bring your server up-to-date. And also let you know exactly what the problem was.

If it were me, we'd charge our minimum one-hour rate.
