Issue after upgrade to php 5.3.x


Verified User
Apr 12, 2008
Brno (Czech Republic)
Hi guys,

anybody of you, after upgrade to php 5.3.x got an issue regarding Zend Optimizer with this followed output on log?

Cannot load Zend Extension Manager - it was built with configuration 1.2.0, whereas running engine is API220090626,NTS

Anybody knows how is possible to fix it? Should i to install the new Zend optimizer version 3.3.9?
Hi, thanks for the answer,

i did it, later, but from that problem is arrived another one with API not updated regarding Zend Engine.

I saw many forum regarding it, but looks like that Zend is still not supporting php5.3.x ... :(
i'm remained with php5.3 leaving just and commenting the zend extension managers.

With this modify, i don't have anymore errors on logs regarding zend
This is strange as I have 10 identical systems and only 1 does this.

Cannot load Zend Extension Manager - it was built with configuration 1.2.0, whereas running engine is API220090626,NTS

PHP 5.3.6 as CGI (suPHP)

I have performed a ./build clean all; ./build update all; ./build all and the problem persists. But why does it work on the other 9 systems?
Zend Optimizer only works with up to 5.2.x, what you need for php >=5.3.0 is Zend Guard.

And so you know, if there is old scripts compiled for Zend Optimizer they wont work for Zend Guard so all your clients need to upgrade the software they are using that depends on Zend Optimizer and there is tons of companies that still only relies on Zend Optimizer and refuse to make a version for php 5.3 (and where Zend Guard only works) so think of that before using php 5.3.x.