Confused in using if condition


Verified User
Dec 22, 2010
Good day!

I have a problem in if and else condition to know if the cloth type is NW (AAA or BBB or CCC) and W the rest cloth type that did not listed in NW. My code did not read the code for NW, only W was read so that even the cloth type is NW the formula was used is the formula of W. I don’t know what is wrong in my code so that if the cloth type is NW the formula is $CLT_yield = @($output / ($input * 8.8)) * 100; and if W the formula is $CLT_yield = @($output / ($input * 9)) * 100;

In my code only the code $CLT_yield = @($output / ($input * 9)) * 100; was run even the cloth type is CCC.

Here is my code:
include 'config.php';
        $query = "SELECT clt_no FROM clt_transact WHERE clt_date = '" . $_POST["clt_date"] . "'";
        $result_loop = mysql_query($query);
        $date = $_POST["clt_date"];
        if($result_loop) if(mysql_num_rows($result_loop) > 0)
            $totalloop = mysql_num_rows($result_loop);
            $clt_no = mysql_result($result_loop,0,"clt_no");
            $query = "SELECT d.operation_name, SUM(d.input_qty) AS inputqty, d.input_unit, SUM(d.output_qty) AS outputqty, d.output_unit FROM clt_traceability d, clt_transact t WHERE t.clt_no = '$clt_no' AND d.clt_transact_id = t.clt_transact_id AND d.operation_name IN ('Total1', 'Total2', 'Operation3', 'Operation4', 'Operation5')GROUP BY d.operation_name, d.output_unit, d.input_unit ORDER BY d.operation_name";
            $result = mysql_query($query);
                echo "<table cellspacing='2' style='font-family: arial narrow; font-size: 12px; border-width: 2px 2px 2px 2px; border-style: solid;'>";
                echo "<tr>";
                echo "<tr><b> Date:    " . $date . "</b></tr>";
                echo "<th class='tdclass'>CLT #</th>";
                $total_row = mysql_num_rows($result);
                for($ctr=0; $ctr < $total_row; $ctr++)
                    $opname = mysql_result($result,$ctr,"operation_name");
                    $i = strpos($opname," ",0);
                    $opname = substr($opname,$i);
                    echo "<th colspan='2' class='tdclass'>" . $opname . "<br />(" . mysql_result($result,$ctr,"output_unit") . ")</th>";
                echo "<th class='tdclass'>CLT Yield</th>";
                echo "</tr>";
                echo "<tr>";
                echo "<td class='tdclass'></td>";
                for($ctr=0; $ctr < $total_row; $ctr++)
                    echo "<td class='tdclass'>Input</td>";
                    echo "<td class='tdclass'>Output</td>";
                echo "<td class='tdclass'>";
                echo "</td>";
                echo "</tr>";
        $query = "SELECT clt_no FROM clt_transact WHERE clt_date = '" . $_POST["clt_date"] . "' ORDER BY clt_no ASC";
        $result_loop = mysql_query($query);               
        while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result_loop))
            $loopctr += 1;
            $clt_no = $row["clt_no"];
            $query = "SELECT * FROM clt_transact WHERE clt_no = '$clt_no'";
            $result_no = mysql_query($query);
                if(mysql_num_rows($result_no) > 0)
                    $input = 0;
                    $output = 0;
                    $query  = "SELECT SUM(t.input_qty) AS input FROM clt_traceability t, clt_transact p WHERE t.clt_transact_id = p.clt_transact_id AND t.operation_name='Total1' AND p.cloth_type IN ('AAA', 'BBB', 'CCC') AND p.clt_no = '$clt_no'";
                    $resultyield = mysql_query($query);
                        if(mysql_num_rows($resultyield) > 0) $input = mysql_result($resultyield,0,"input");
                    $query  = "SELECT SUM(t.output_qty) AS output FROM clt_traceability t, clt_transact p WHERE t.clt_transact_id = p.clt_transact_id AND t.operation_name='Total2' AND p.cloth_type IN ('AAA', 'BBB', 'CCC') AND p.clt_no = '$clt_no'";
                    $resultyield = mysql_query($query);
                        if(mysql_num_rows($resultyield) > 0) $output = mysql_result($resultyield,0,"output");
                    $CLT_yield = @($output / ($input * 8.8)) * 100;
                    $query  = "SELECT SUM(t.input_qty) AS input FROM clt_traceability t, clt_transact p WHERE t.clt_transact_id = p.clt_transact_id AND t.operation_name='Total1' AND p.clt_no = '$clt_no'";
                    $resultyield = mysql_query($query);
                        if(mysql_num_rows($resultyield) > 0) $input = mysql_result($resultyield,0,"input");
                    $query  = "SELECT SUM(t.output_qty) AS output FROM clt_traceability t, clt_transact p WHERE t.clt_transact_id = p.clt_transact_id AND t.operation_name='Total2' AND p.clt_no = '$clt_no'";
                    $resultyield = mysql_query($query);
                        if(mysql_num_rows($resultyield) > 0) $output = mysql_result($resultyield,0,"output");
                    $CLT_yield = @($output / ($input * 9)) * 100;
                   $query = "SELECT d.operation_name, SUM(d.input_qty) AS inputqty, d.input_unit, SUM(d.output_qty) AS outputqty, d.output_unit FROM clt_traceability d, clt_transact t WHERE t.clt_no = '$clt_no' AND d.clt_transact_id = t.clt_transact_id AND d.operation_name IN ('Total1', 'Total2', 'Operation3', 'Operation4', 'Operation5') GROUP BY d.operation_name, d.output_unit, d.input_unit ORDER BY d.operation_name";
                    $result = mysql_query($query);
                        echo "<tr>";
                        echo "<td><strong>$clt_no</strong></td>";
                        for($ctr=0; $ctr < $total_row; $ctr++)
                            echo "<td class='tdclass'>";
                            echo number_format((mysql_result($result,$ctr,"inputqty")),2);  
                            echo "</td>";
                            echo "<td class='tdclass'>";
                            echo number_format((mysql_result($result,$ctr,"outputqty")),2); 
                            echo "</td>";
                        echo "<td class='tdclass'><strong>";
                        printf ("%01.2f", $CLT_yield);
                         echo "%</strong></td>";
                        echo "</tr>";
            echo "</table>";              

I hope somebody can help me.

Any help is highly appreciated.

Thank you