DA is suspending primary domains


Verified User
Jun 22, 2003
I've had 2 people report now that their primary domain was suspended w/o them touching that tool.

What's going on?
Suspensions *only* occur when the bandwidth is used up, or the domain's bandwidth is used up (can be set by the user). If you think there is more to it than that, send us an email with server info to [email protected]

I figured it out.

The two accounts that were suspended were originally created with a much smaller bandwidth allocation than they now have. When we increased the accounts' allocated bandwidth the number was only changed on each account as a whole; the number on the accounts' primary domain was not changed.

Now that wasn't a problem up until the domain suspension feature was added. The night following the new feature each accounts' primary domain was suspended for running over allocated bandwidth, and of course each account as a whole still had plenty of bandwidth.

I edited the domains' conf files and changed the bandwidth to the proper number, but maybe DA should do this automatically?
Actually, the domain suspension feature has always been there, the only difference is the users now have the ability to suspend their domains if they want. I think I'll change domain defaults to "unlimited" bandwidth.. and only limit the domains by the user's total, so when you do increase their limits, the domains will be able to grow, unless the user specifies something else.
