Segmentation fault on boot


Verified User
Jan 22, 2004
i have a server upon reboot just 2 hrs ago, came up with segmenation fault and unable to boot. What do i do???
etegration said:
i have a server upon reboot just 2 hrs ago, came up with segmenation fault and unable to boot. What do i do???
A segmentation fault during boot, on a system that has worked before, may becaused by a full partition, or by a hardware fault.

Exactly what appears along with the segmentation failure message? What was the server trying to do when it occurred?

Re: Re: Segmentation fault on boot

jlasman said:
A segmentation fault during boot, on a system that has worked before, may becaused by a full partition, or by a hardware fault.

Exactly what appears along with the segmentation failure message? What was the server trying to do when it occurred?


i really have no idea was was done, all i did was rebooted it.
If you didn't see anything on the server monitor, then how do you know it was a segmentation fault?

If you did see something on the servre monitor, then the lines directly above the segmentation fault error will tell you what the server was trying to do when it faulted.
