Enquiry about prelink and kernel


Verified User
Feb 24, 2005
Hong Kong
Dear Linux Expert,

Recently, we moved a CentOS 4.9 x86 box (kernel 2.6.9-100.???) into a OpenVZ guest (where hosts run on CentOS 5.6 OpenVZ PAE kernel 2.6.18-238.19.1.el5.028stab092.2PAE)

Compare the files with our backup, I found a very very large number of files modified, especially files in /sbin , /usr/sbin , /usr/lib , /usr/bin , /lib/libtermcap.so , /lib/xxx.so ...
They are different to the backup one (both the timestamp are the same)

However user web page, eml, mysql files seems no modification, as no user reports received.

Do you have any idea? Is the prelink activities due to the different kernel?
(or my HDD controller has some problem :confused:)

I have no idea.

I found this since in one VPS, I run vi command, it crashes with segfault during /etc/termcap and libtermcap, and it causes me to search for a lot.

Please help/advise.

Thank you
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My guess is that you don't really have control of those files; they're part of your VPS. You should probably address these questions to your OpenVZ provider. If you're running your own host, then you should probably try reading documentation and asking on available OpenVZ-specific forums or lists.

Thanks for your reply.

I 'resolved' the problem with unknown reason.

Actually before segfault, I copied the whole VPS into another one within the same machine same OpenVZ kernel. That new VPS runs fine.

However, I guess inside the original VPS, after the prelink process, the vi editor becomes segfault.

Then, copied the /lib/libtermcap.so.2.0.8 from original backup file , restart the VPS, and vi command works again.

Then, I manually run the prelink, it do modify /lib/libtermcap.so.2.0.8 (different md5sum). Nevertheless, the vi command still works.

Anyway, after a few days, the vi (as well as DA, httpd, mysql, exim, else) works as usual
