Custombuild 2.2 from scratch and DNS question

Richard G

Verified User
Jul 6, 2008
I've got 2 questions.

1.) On a fresh install you can choose between normal installation and custombuild 1.2.
Is there a way to directly install custombuild 2.2 on a fresh installation?
Can I just change 1.2 to 2.2 in the options.conf?

2.) xxxx

Found the answer to question 2 myself.:)
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Are you sure version 2.2 exist?

If it exist should be just enough change variable in options.conf

For use it as default you need to:

echo 2.2 /root/.custombuild

Before start

I thought it did but I think I'm mistaken and it's 1.2.
However. I can change that in options.conf and do a ./build update.

But that does not really change anything, shouldn't there be another command after it like build all d or something?
Well, last year I asked what the difference was between custombuild 1.1 and 1.2 and got this answer:
* Exim support (./build exim).
* Default version of PHP is 5.3.
* Default version of MySQL is 5.1.

So I thought the php and mysql version would also change to the default, being 5.3 for php and 5.1 for mysql.
But as it doesn't, I understand that I have to do that manually.
I only have to change the options.conf then and do a "./build php n" and "./build mysql" correct?
yes, you need to manually edit options.conf

For mysql update you need to do FIRST ./build mysql and AFTER THAT ./build php n
