Swicthing Spamassassin to Custombuild


Verified User
Sep 30, 2008
Hi All,

At this moment my server is running a really old version of Spamassassin, which I can really notice, and therefore I would like to update it to the latest version. Current version of Spamassassin is 3.2.5.

I have no idea how the current Spamassassin is installed on my server... same as for clamav by the way... and I would like to switch both systems to be updated by Custombuild.

What would be the right way to do this?

I am running CentOS release 5.3

Thanks in advance,
I would suggest you to search any spamassassin and clamav (at least the executables) and remove then... OR.. you should try to install them via custombuild and check if work... than u gotta have maybe (not sure, u need to check that) two copy of clamav freshclam and spamassassin executables that would be a waste of space (not so much really).

i would suggest to stop those service (or kill them) remove the executables (i suppose the configs are just working with directadmin so they are on right place) and install using custombuild.

Thanks for your replay Sellerone!

Last night I just played my luck and it worked, at least for Spamassassin. This is what I did:

1. edited options.conf and added spamassassin=yes
2. ./build update_data
3. ./build update
4. ./build versions

To my great pleasure I noticed in versions that custombuild automagically figured out my current Spamassassin version and also stated the newest version. Because of this I thought an update would be quite save and I hit

5. ./build spam assassin

It took a little bit but it seems like Spamassassin has been upgraded properly.
Now I have to hope the spam problems get less.

- Mark
Nice, yes if custombuild noticed the version means that executable path was the same.. so, thats ok, you should try the same for clamav.

./build set clamav yes
./build update
./build versions

If it say that you got an odl version (different from 0) so, will work that too.

Yes! very nice :)

I will try the clamav update late tonight... and update the status here.

- Mark

Clamav is going to be a bit more difficult.

Just ran:
./build set clamav yes
./build update
./build versions

And it returns current clamav version 0

This will be a bit more complicated.
find / -name clam*
find  / -name freshcla*

This should report all clam* file, remove the executables (almost all is ok too but be sure is related to clamd clamav freshclam.

Then you can simply install using custombuild.
