Problem installing proftpd


NoBaloney Internet Svcs - In Memoriam †
Jun 16, 2003
Installing proftpd on 32-bit CentOS6 gave me a problem; it wouldn't install the startup file at /etc/rc.d/init.d/proftpd.

I copied one over from another system, then ran chkconfig with options as required to start up only in runlevel 3, and it works.

But surely this is a problem with something not properly installed in the custombuild scripts?

I saw the problem in other locations on these forums, with 64-bit versions and other CentOS versions, but none of the fixes (which involved changes to proftpd.conf and reinstalling through custombuild) solved the problem.

Has anyone else seen these problems? If so, how have you resolved them?


Has anyone else seen these problems? If so, how have you resolved them?

I've seen it once or twice, but I've been not assured, why it has happened. So thinking something has gone not OK in my particular case, I've copied all necessary files from other OS (including /etc/proftpd.conf).
The /etc/init.d/proftpd script should be installed from the proftpd rpm in:

So.. if there is no boot script, try:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/scripts
to see if there are any errors installing proftpd.

Custombuild's proftpd is off by default, and shouldn't be required to get things working..
Although, if it is enabled, it should also be checking for the script, and installing from the file downloaded by CB.

We could use the script, but we'd prefer that CustomBuild do it right :). We prefer using CustomBuild as it will keep us up-dated.

While I've never seen the problem before this may be the first time we've used CustomBuild to install proftpd instead of
