Which configuration files rewritten when you rewrite configs?


Verified User
Feb 27, 2006
Which configuration files rewritten when you rewrite configs?

Am I correct in thinking that these don't...
- exim.conf does not unless you tell it to in options.conf
- /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-includes.conf
- files in custombuild/custom

and that these do?
- all of /etc/httpd/conf does except httpd-includes.conf
- php.ini
- dovecot
- proftpd
- sshd
- my.ini
...is that correct? Are there any more?

I need to rewrite configs from time to time because things are added, or things that used to work are update disabling errors. I need to know what changes, so that I can back them up, and make any relevant changes afterward if necessary.



./build rewrite_confs

you'll get rewritten only apache related configs (httpd-includes.conf excluded).
To me that means the entire httpd chain minus httpd-includes.conf, plus the php.ini, is that correct?
php.ini does not get over written

Only files in /etc/httpd
That's what I needed to know. The only trick there would be where to get a copy of the current originals then so I can modify from there. E.G. time goes on, and they add and remove parameters from the files. The ones from the original install are no longer valid, and the modified originals don't have the new parameters, thus only a new install performed today would have them. Is there some place where I can get a set of new, current, configs, to have a new base to modify from?

[root@server custombuild]# grep AP2CONFDIR /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/build
                cp -rf ${AP2CONFDIR} ${HTTPDDIR}
                        cp -f ${AP2CONFDIR}/httpd.conf_2.0 ${HTTPD_CONF}
                        cp -f ${AP2CONFDIR}/extra/httpd-mpm.conf_2.0 ${HTTPDCONF}/extra/httpd-mpm.conf
                        cp -f ${AP2CONFDIR}/httpd.conf ${HTTPD_CONF}
                        cp -f ${AP2CONFDIR}/extra/httpd-mpm.conf ${HTTPDCONF}/extra/httpd-mpm.conf
                        cp -f ${AP2CONFDIR}/httpd.conf ${HTTPD_CONF}
                        cp -f ${AP2CONFDIR}/extra/httpd-mpm.conf ${HTTPDCONF}/extra/httpd-mpm.conf
                if [ ! -e ${AP2CONFDIR}/httpd.conf ]; then
                        do_exit 1 "cannot find httpd.conf in ${AP2CONFDIR} directory";
                if [ ! -e ${AP2CONFDIR}/extra/httpd-ssl.conf ]; then
                cp -rf ${AP2CONFDIR} ${HTTPDDIR}
                        cp -f ${AP2CONFDIR}/httpd.conf_2.0 ${HTTPD_CONF}
                        cp -f ${AP2CONFDIR}/extra/httpd-mpm.conf_2.0 ${HTTPDCONF}/extra/httpd-mpm.conf
                        cp -f ${AP2CONFDIR}/httpd.conf ${HTTPD_CONF}
                        cp -f ${AP2CONFDIR}/extra/httpd-mpm.conf ${HTTPDCONF}/extra/httpd-mpm.conf
                        cp -f ${AP2CONFDIR}/httpd.conf ${HTTPD_CONF}
                        cp -f ${AP2CONFDIR}/extra/httpd-mpm.conf ${HTTPDCONF}/extra/httpd-mpm.conf
                cp -rf ${AP2CONFDIR} ${HTTPDDIR}
                cp -rf ${AP2CONFDIR} ${HTTPDDIR}
[root@server custombuild]#

So it's /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/configure/ap2/conf
Note, as it seems some of included files are generated with custombuild script from a scratch, and no outer template is used.