Eximconf options.conf flag behaviour


Verified User
Feb 11, 2005
The Netherlands
Hi there,

recently found out what the switch eximconf=yes does in the options.conf file. Seems a bit illogical to me to have that in there when you can only call for an exim.conf update by hand anyway.

Wouldn't it be a nice future to have exim.conf update with the custombuild cron script when eximconf is set to yes with all the other services and set some customisations in a configure/eximconf file like whether to use SpamAssassin, the automatic reply url for emails blocked by RBLS etc. just like you did for php, dovecot and different ftp services?

Thanks in advance for your input on this.
Thanks in advance for your input on this.
Well, since you asked for input, and since I'm the author of both the exim.conf file which comes with DirectAdmin and the latest one I distribute here (nobaloney.net), here's my input.

I'd think that doing this would greatly limit the customizations that could be made to the exim.conf file. There are 50 edit standad edit points in the latest version I distribute at my link above, and many of them have multiple possible choices. I'd think that would make for a complex configuration file and would encourage admins to make settings without fully understanding their ramifications.

In fact the complexity of my latest file is the main reason I offer a low-priced installation service and have not recommended to DirectAdmin staff that they make it the DirectAdmin standard.

So my input would be no. I look forward to other input, and especially to offers of help from others in creating such an options file with full functionality with my latest SpamBlocker version of exim.conf for DirectAdmin.

But maybe having an up to date exim.conf with some values set at a default, works for most, setting and a couple of user inputed settings would be better than having servers around with really old versions of exim.conf that aren't updated ever at all?

Even better would be to have a page in DirectAdmin itself in the admin level, to set all the different values at those 50 different edit points with extensive documentation. All to make it easier to manage these settings.
What you suggest (that page in DirectAdmin) has been tried previously; two different contributors created exim.conf editors. If I recall correctly one was free and one was commercial (the exim.conf file is always open source, based on the original license under which exim is published). Neither succeeded. I don't know if that was because they weren't updated properly or not.

I don't see how your suggestion would result in an exim.conf file which would always work unless someone took the initiative of checking all the ACLs (certainly all the blocklists and whitelists) continually to make sure

Note that I'm not going to let this thread turn into a dialog between you and I; in the past when that's happened no one else has replied and the thread has stagnated, and I really don't want this thread to stagnate; I just don't want to be the only responsible party for keeping exim.conf up to date.
