./build options does not completely reflect options.conf


Verified User
Aug 15, 2012

I have a strange problem: ./build options claims mysql is set to "no", but in options.conf it is showing "5.5". So I try ./build set mysql 5.5, but then it says Changed mysql option from 5.5 to 5.5. Okay then, I go on to type ./build mysql, but then it says You cannot install MySQL, because you do not have it set in options.conf file.

On a sidenote, it shows that warning about mail-header-patch=yes is set in the options.conf, despite the fact that I have removed that line from options.conf. Just to check, I set spamassassin to 'yes' (it was 'no') - and that one DOES appear in ./build options... so just mysql and that mail-header-patch aren't catching for some reason. I restarted the server (a Debian 6.0 64bit VPS), just to rule that out, but of course that didn't change anything.

Confusing, I say!
Is there anything that can overwrite options from options.conf?

I was able to very easily upgrade PHP from 5.3.10 to 5.4.5 though. So I was already finding it a very great tool! Bit confusing that it's not as easy with mysql; must be just a settings problem, but I have no idea where.
The most important part is that it's already 5.5, but of course I'd prefer the most recent version (rather than 5.5.9).
... oh gosh, I just found it: mysql_inst needs to be set to 'yes'... That did not feel so intuitive, but it became clear after reading the FAQ again. Sorry!

Still confusing why the mail-header-patch warning is appearing though, so I'll leave this thread for that then... :)