Help migrating from hsphere to DA


Verified User
Feb 14, 2012
I could use a LOT of help migrating clients from hsphere to da. The server's already set up, and I've moved a few myself, but I simply don't have the time to do all this myself, so I'm looking for someone who can both help migration, and perhaps in the long run offer a bit of admin assistance when needed.

Get a hold of me via skype "skyline5k" or email [email protected] if this sounds like something you can do.

There's only about 50 clients or so, not even 100 websites total, and I'm migrating my own myself, so that takes care of about 15 sites right there! :cool:

Let me know what you think. Fair bit of warning though, the old server's got some issues. It's why we got the new ones.
Looks like we got it taken care of for the time being. My colleague found someone back in the US to help move things over. Thanks for the emails. We still want to get a few addons put in later, so I'll definitely contact a few of you in the future for that work.