Custom .ini in php.conf.d?


Verified User
Apr 27, 2009
I have now upgraded three servers to custombuild 2.0. I am running php cli and mod_ruid2. I placed all my php extensions in the new file directadmin.ini at this path:


However some hours later, I discovered that the content of directadmin.ini was overwritten, and I lost my custom lines in that file.

So instead I have created a extra file in the same path to my php extensions, like this:


My question is if that custom file will be overwritten or deleted by custombuild later on automatically? Or is it safe to use a custom file in that directory?
Yes, you can have any custom files there, just don't fill in anything in directadmin.ini, because it's overwritten. By the way, all you have in extra.ini is included when you run php from command line, so be sure to use "php -n" instead of just "php" when you execute commands, unless you'd like to have the settings from extra.ini applied to command line php too.