cpan upgrade install 135 modules, confused


Verified User
Apr 27, 2009
On a new server, I wanted to install a few extra perl modules using cpan, so I did "yum install cpan" and then installed 4 perl modules.

Then I did this (maybe it was not a good idea?):


What I wanted to, was to make sure cpan itself and all cpan modules was up to date. However when I run the above "upgrade", cpan installed a lot of perl modules and dependencies, so that when it finished, it is now 135 directories/perl modules in /root/.cpan/build

But all I needed was the 4 perl modules I first installed.

So, should I be worried about this? Was this not the correct way to make sure cpan and cpan modules was up to date? I feel somewhat bad about what just happen, when it installed over 100 modules when I only wanted to upgrade/make sure it was newest versions. Feel confused to!
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Update: Here is the content on /root/.cpan/build

[root@server ~]# cd /root/.cpan/build
[root@server build]# ls
Attribute-Handlers-0.93-4EfDGz   DBD-mysql-4.023-e3h513             File-CheckTree-4.42-nNHJNO  IPC-SysV-2.03-W0oxx9                 Mozilla-CA-20130114-miFuBD          Search-Dict-1.07-gsuNcf          Thread-Queue-3.02-ocdTyd
autodie-2.19-NTGTbi              DB_File-1.828-dimSp7               File-Listing-6.04-U9jade    lib-0.63-2B0iM6                      Net-HTTP-6.06-n69rBi                SelfLoader-1.20-TPqy5Y           threads-1.86-qVGB9O
AutoLoader-5.73-iCsixf           DBI-1.627-JJuUgH                   File-Path-2.09-L18gaF       libwww-perl-6.05-HAsmgy              Net-Ping-2.41-eTl9wo                Socket-2.009-3xQ9QD              Thread-Semaphore-2.12-wPaukX
autouse-1.07-Y4n3pm              Devel-DProf-20110802.00-q2nJMA     File-Temp-0.2301-6bPKBP     Locale-Codes-3.25-MyarVB             Net-SSLeay-1.54-_In6YN              Storable-2.39-gKKcRF             threads-shared-1.43-2LAYFp
base-2.18-2pnxE3                 Devel-PPPort-3.20-jrubsb           Filter-1.49-CjwTgm          Locale-Maketext-1.23-3uYL2M          Params-Check-0.36-vtXRJi            Sub-Uplevel-0.24-vwOwLy          Tie-File-0.98-yMyK85
B-Debug-1.18-DmarVl              Devel-SelfStubber-1.05-3zLLTQ      Filter-Simple-0.88-Bg601S   Locale-Maketext-Simple-0.21-vY4w2z   parent-0.225-Znt9VU                 Switch-2.16-PSu4Rw               Tie-RefHash-1.39-7qtuzB
bignum-0.32-_OFi6y               Digest-1.17-YGJT19                 Getopt-Long-2.39-rgrcQq     LWP-MediaTypes-6.02-ANLvBm           PathTools-3.40-OWuwjs               Sys-Syslog-0.32-yzNBdZ           Time-HiRes-1.9725-m4g8IN
Bit-Vector-7.2-FW0PIO            Digest-MD5-2.52-T3L2U2             HTML-Form-6.03-sQ6JVf       LWP-Protocol-http10-6.03-MLHus0      PerlIO-via-QuotedPrint-0.07-l_5_G0  Term-ANSIColor-4.02-cxdFqP       Time-Local-1.2300-B4TW2Z
B-Lint-1.17-p1p1z7               Digest-SHA-5.84-rbv6DC             HTML-Parser-3.71-gU9ELn     LWP-Protocol-https-6.04-aJWHGG       Perl-OSType-1.003-fCqD2m            Term-Cap-1.12-89ldZb             Unicode-Collate-0.97-GqSbUO
Carp-1.26-xQP0Dt                 Dumpvalue-1.17-wL3HNR              HTTP-Cookies-6.01-dQBjjR    Math-BigInt-1.997-fAe6fv             Pod-Checker-1.60-VFEXG7             Term-ReadLine-1.10-oll8ay        Unicode-Normalize-1.16-rynKts
Carp-Clan-6.04-XPbU8k            Encode-2.51-uONp7p                 HTTP-Daemon-6.01-zu1zHB     Math-BigInt-FastCalc-0.30-ct5Y38     Pod-LaTeX-0.61-J_K4F6               Test-1.26-52AIKd                 URI-1.60-agto0v
Class-ISA-0.36-VVkYgu            Encode-Locale-1.03-Sx8o_I          HTTP-Date-6.02-3DJJ3E       Math-BigRat-0.2602-C2_vVv            podlators-2.5.1-h9yo9o              Test-Exception-0.32-ct1OFZ       version-0.9902-RCIDPy
Compress-Raw-Bzip2-2.060-aojsLY  Env-1.04-ri7VkJ                    HTTP-Message-6.06-_HSSwD    Math-Complex-1.59-dvnpgg             Pod-Parser-1.60-uk9rZR              Test-Harness-3.28-mXLRnj         WWW-RobotRules-6.02-PX_7Uy
Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.060-1Clm80   Exporter-5.68-fojwrd               HTTP-Negotiate-6.01-q53BNN  Memoize-1.03-UcmacC                  Pod-Perldoc-3.20-kBI0zZ             Test-Inter-1.05-TbXi2m           XSLoader-0.16-JIJuGV
constant-1.27-bGz0nc             ExtUtils-CBuilder-0.280205-el2G1A  I18N-Collate-1.02-YcPl48    MIME-Base64-3.13-JUlbjZ              Pod-Plainer-1.03-_qmyuQ             Test-Simple-0.98-zPQltC          YAML-Syck-1.27-3dZNDg
CPAN-2.00-jUiiGZ                 ExtUtils-Command-1.17-_kwRIH       if-0.0601-2XHucm            Module-CoreList-2.91-SmHG3l          Pod-Simple-3.28-nMwT7U              Text-Abbrev-1.02-iC9vg5
Data-Dumper-2.145-L2pdCf         ExtUtils-Constant-0.23-m08kcz      IO-Compress-2.060-JhjFVI    Module-Load-0.24-moBbO5              Pod-Usage-1.62-pD3pGi               Text-Balanced-2.02-2CBQdm
Date-Calc-6.3-BzNZrs             ExtUtils-MakeMaker-6.66-tTbU3u     IO-HTML-1.00-bVhfk0         Module-Load-Conditional-0.54-SURrcR  Safe-2.35-bjKaV6                    Text-ParseWords-3.29-VoKA1_
Date-Manip-6.39-D0KbQj           ExtUtils-Manifest-1.61-5EK1Qr      IO-Socket-SSL-1.89-gCrupU   Module-Metadata-1.000014-2nw2Iq      Scalar-List-Utils-1.23-DAoYYI       Text-Soundex-3.04-UrTSHa
DBD-mysql-4.023-5DECPH           ExtUtils-ParseXS-3.18-HsH6z1       IPC-Cmd-0.80-LtbpFp         Module-Pluggable-4.7-4clrnG          Scalar-List-Utils-1.27-sR1h8f       Text-Tabs+Wrap-2013.0522-7R8J0W
[root@server build]#

But I only first installed 4 perl modules in cpan. But then after I run "upgrade" in cpan, all the above was installed! Is this normal, is this wanted?
I believe that the upgrade command will upgrade all installed modules. CPAN doesn't check first to see of some of those are already at their latest versions. It upgrades everything, even if to the same version already installed.

At least that's my understanding.

Thank you for the feedback, Jeff! Først I only installed cpan using yum, then I installed these perl modules using cpan: DBD::mysql, DBI, Date::Calc and parent

Only after that, I run "upgrade" in cpan, and then it installed more then 130 perl modules, it seems.

Do you think this is something to worry about? Could it be that all those around 130 modules was dependencies for the four modules I installed first? Or could it be that cpan upgraded perl modules that was not installed in cpan, but that was installed in CentOS? Would it be recommended to run "upgrade" in cpan, generally?

I just need to decide if I am going to keep it like this or not. Because it is a new server. I could wipe the server clean and start all over, but then I would loose a week of hard work setting everything up. The server it not in production yet.
I don't know. I checked my default cpan install on one of my servers and you have more than I do. What OS version are you running? The server I checked is CentOS 5.9.

Perhaps your question should be asked on a Perl or CPAN forum or list.

I am running CentOS 6.4 64bit. It's all a bit confusing to me.

But may I ask if you yourself use the command "upgrade" in cpan shell? Or do you avoid that general command "upgrade"? If it is common practise to run "upgrade" in cpan shell, then it might not be a problem that I did so, and all the perl modules it installed.
Running "upgrade" in cpan shell is a good practice, at least this is what we do, when need an actual versions of perl modules. So I don't see anything unusual here. Simply upgrading CPAN with

install Bundle::CPAN

I've just got 37 packages upgraded with new dependencies installed.

Though did not try with upgrading.... I'm sure there will many of them.