/usr/local/php55/etc/php-fpm.conf is incorrect


Verified User
Sep 13, 2008
I got the problem start the PHP-FPM 5.5 service. When checked, found that the line below :

pm = ondemand
;pm.max_children = 10
pm.process_idle_timeout = 60

is different from PHP-FPM 5.3 version. The correct one that works should be : (The same as 5.3)

pm = ondemand
pm.max_children = 10
;pm.process_idle_timeout = 60
the same here...

(apache + php-fpm - RC5)
The same here...with easy fix.
Any other bugs detected???
Someone has tested the nginx+php-fpm?

Let's test !!!
Thank you.:rolleyes:
The same...

Using nginx + php-fpm I get the same error:
Starting php-fpm55: [25-Jun-2013 18:25:52] ALERT: [pool webapps] pm.max_children must be a positive value
[25-Jun-2013 18:25:52] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[25-Jun-2013 18:25:52] ERROR: FPM initialization failed

...and 403 Forbidden errors when acessing a website.:mad:
I do not have any problem using Nginx together with PHP-FPM. However, I compiled Nginx by myself, not by Custombuild. Now, I can switched between Apache (Compiled by CB) and Nginx (Compiled by me.) without any problem.

Oh, I also replaced the Virtual Host file templates with this link -> http://forum.directadmin.com/showthread.php?t=45967&p=240358#post240358

1srael, the error you got below :

Starting php-fpm55: [25-Jun-2013 18:25:52] ALERT: [pool webapps] pm.max_children must be a positive value
[25-Jun-2013 18:25:52] ERROR: failed to post process the configuration
[25-Jun-2013 18:25:52] ERROR: FPM initialization failed

That's what I got before I started this topic. You have to edit /usr/local/php55/etc/php-fpm.conf, uncomment the line below:

;pm.max_children = 10
pm.max_children = 10

( Remove ; in the front)

That should do it.
It is now fixed on files.directadmin.com. Thank you for the report.