nginx as static and apache dynamic


Verified User
Jun 15, 2008
would that be possible without breaking custombuild, and other configuration to the server?
Though custombuild does not support NGINX as a reverse proxy, it is possible to install NGINX as a reverse proxy with Apache without breaking anything on the server. I've got such a configuration installed by myself on the most servers under my maintenance. Please feel free to contact me if you need someone to install it for you.

Though custombuild does not support NGINX as a reverse proxy, it is possible to install NGINX as a reverse proxy with Apache without breaking anything on the server. I've got such a configuration installed by myself on the most servers under my maintenance. Please feel free to contact me if you need someone to install it for you.

i'm i right that you can install us DA + nginx on our server? if that's true - please contact me with more information