two questions


Verified User
Sep 17, 2003
Im trying to use as a slave zone. Do I have to set up anything in my named config or will it let them transfer without any keys or whatever?

also, is there a way to have named read from a certain file in ADDITION to the main zone file? I want to set up a sort of dynamic dns using php, with an hourly cron job to generate the file with the ips and restart named.
How you set up DNS is totally independent of DA.

If your DNS is set up to allow open transfers, then ZoneEdit will be able to get the transfer.

Of course you have to have NS records in the zone file for each of your domains which show the Zoneedit nameserver you're using as your slave.

You can have an include file in your /etc/named.conf file pointing to additional lines you can write yourself, using any method you want, pointing to zone files you place anywhere (as long as you use the fqdn in the named.conf file), by any means.

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