apache 2.4 - error


Verified User
Oct 30, 2005
Montreal - Canada
apache 2.4 Failed to acquire SSL session cache lock
on logs errors of many website i have many line with this error :

[Thu Nov 28 21:26:55.679886 2013] [ssl:warn] [pid 25430:tid 47067096074560] (22)Invalid argument: AH02026: Failed to acquire SSL session cache lock
[Thu Nov 28 21:26:55.679927 2013] [ssl:warn] [pid 25430:tid 47067096074560] (22)Invalid argument: AH02027: Failed to release SSL session cache lock
[Thu Nov 28 21:26:55.685368 2013] [ssl:warn] [pid 25430:tid 47067043625280] (22)Invalid argument: AH02026: Failed to acquire SSL session cache lock
[Thu Nov 28 21:26:55.685384 2013] [ssl:warn] [pid 25430:tid 47067043625280] (22)Invalid argument: AH02027: Failed to release SSL session cache lock
[Thu Nov 28 21:26:55.686002 2013] [ssl:warn] [pid 25429:tid 47067190483264] (22)Invalid argument: AH02026: Failed to acquire SSL session cache lock
[Thu Nov 28 21:26:55.686015 2013] [ssl:warn] [pid 25429:tid 47067190483264] (22)Invalid argument: AH02027: Failed to release SSL session cache lock
[Thu Nov 28 21:26:55.690191 2013] [ssl:warn] [pid 25429:tid 47067169503552] (22)Invalid argument: AH02026: Failed to acquire SSL session cache lock
[Thu Nov 28 21:26:55.690210 2013] [ssl:warn] [pid 25429:tid 47067169503552] (22)Invalid argument: AH02027: Failed to release SSL session cache lock
[Thu Nov 28 21:26:55.690239 2013] [ssl:warn] [pid 25429:tid 47067274402112] (22)Invalid argument: AH02026: Failed to acquire SSL session cache lock
[Thu Nov 28 21:26:55.690250 2013] [ssl:warn] [pid 25429:tid 47067274402112] (22)Invalid argument: AH02027: Failed to release SSL session cache lock
[Thu Nov 28 21:26:55.692162 2013] [ssl:warn] [pid 25429:tid 47067106564416] (22)Invalid argument: AH02026: Failed to acquire SSL session cache lock

i use apache 2.4 with custombuild 2.0 (mpm=event)

Server version: Apache/2.4.6 (Unix)
Server built: Nov 12 2013 15:16:40

its really did by your custombuild .. its build all config of apache...

so you suppose to have the same error on centos 5 - 64 bits and suphp + apache 2.4.6 ( mpm = event )

Can i have answer if i specify to have more 100 license ?
BECAUSE i wait since 1 week in another section of this forum with nothing nothing..

i just use the custombuild you give to us for build all .. and its give many error now in all error_log of apache of all users..

really cool for the i/o .. when they have thounsound domain name by server,,.

sorry again for my english ..
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