WWW folders


Verified User
Sep 13, 2004
Under "home/username/" there is a public_html folder with default DA new site files in it. There is also "home/username/domains/userdomain/public_html" which appears to be the one used for the site named there. What is the purpose of the first public_html folder?

There are actually a lot of folders that I would like explanations to. Is there a reference I can use to explain what each one is used for?
is just a link to

ie it is the same folder, just reached by a short cut.

I don't know of any particular reference (except theinformation on this site), but I'm sure if you ask about any particluar folder here, you'll get a quick response.

(a fairly new, but very impresssed, DA user)
Thanks Mike. Is there a way to tell which are symlinks and which are folders?
ls -l
should display the information you want. If it is a link it will look something like /home/user/file >> /usr/home/user/file
or something along those lines. If its not a link it will just show the single directory its located in.