how to create a skin ?


Verified User
Dec 16, 2011
AUGNY (France)
Hello, I am looking how to create a skin without compromising the skin used for?
Can I copy a skin and then rename or modify it is possible to work in local
I use adobe master (photoshop and dreamweaver)
Thank you for your help
I found them a lot easier than I 1st expected :)
once you get your feet wet, maybe even fall in, get to see the token use and all the rest seems html/css based.
to get started I did a 'E-Mail Only" skin based off the enhanced.
the links Alex posted are a good base to see the layout and importance of files , but the best learning is to get your hands dirty and play with one.
to make it easier, use a normal reseller to install your skin, that way you can ftp to the skin location and edit away .
you can download the enhanced (or any skin) install it with whatever name you want, even thou it will be the exact same, just a different name, have fun!! I know I am :)
PS dont forget to try out the "Skin Selector" plugin, its a dream come true!!!
PSS: after you download a skin, extract it, open the folder and add select All the files, re add to archive to create a tar.gz file,
if you try to install as is from the download, it will be in a folder and DA wont install it, all the files need to be tar.gz without any folder
I use 7zip, 1st create a tar, then again the tar to gzip ending up with a tar.gz
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