Custombuild Version and php.ini edit


Verified User
Jul 31, 2008
I dont remember which custombuild version I was using. I have more than one server and I had upgraded some of them. But now I forgot which ones are custombuild 2 which are 1. How to see that?
And I have to increase input_vars. How to do this? in current php.ini files which I can see from directadmin there is no input_vars.
Please check the output of:
./build used_configs
its CB 1.2
So where should i look to change input_vars?
May you post the output of the previous command given?
[root@server custombuild]# ./build used configs
mail-header-patch=yes is set in the options.conf, but is not required with this php version.
To enable the X-Mail header, set mail.add_x_header to 1 in your php.ini
| |
| DirectAdmin WebServices Installer |
| Written by Martynas Bendorius and DirectAdmin |
| Version: 1.2.41 |
| |
| To build everything run: |
| ./build all |
| |
| NOTE: Command all will compile everything as it is set |
| in the options.conf file, please take a look at |
| "./build options"! |
| Install/update server components: |
| ./build apache |
| ./build autoconf |
| ./build automake |
| ./build awstats |
| ./build clamav |
| ./build curl |
| ./build dovecot |
| ./build exim |
| ./build freetype |
| ./build iconv |
| ./build icu |
| ./build ioncube |
| ./build libjpeg |
| ./build libpng |
| ./build libtool |
| ./build libxml2 |
| ./build libxslt |
| ./build m4 |
| ./build mailman |
| ./build mcrypt |
| ./build mhash |
| ./build mod_perl |
| ./build mysql |
| ./build pcre |
| ./build php |
| ./build proftpd |
| ./build pureftpd |
| ./build suphp |
| ./build spamassassin |
| ./build webalizer |
| ./build zend |
| ./build zlib |
| Components configuration options: |
| ./build exim_conf |
| ./build php-ini |
| ./build rewrite_confs |
| ./build secure_php |
| Install/update web applications: |
| ./build phpmyadmin |
| ./build atmail |
| ./build roundcube |
| ./build squirrelmail |
| ./build uebimiau |
| CustomBuild related options/functions: |
| ./build create_options |
| ./build cron |
| ./build options |
| ./build set option_name value |
| ./build set_fastest |
| ./build set_fastest_quiet |
| ./build update_da |
| ./build update_versions |
| ./build update_webapps |
| ./build used_configs |
| ./build versions |
| Jailed shell (beta): |
| ./build all_jail |
| ./build coreutils |
| ./build shell |
| ./build smtp_mail |
| ./jail/ user |
| Remove old build data: |
| ./build clean |
| ./build clean_old_webapps |
| Get latest build script or (and) data: |
| ./build update |
| ./build update_script |
| Get data for current build script: |
| ./build update_data |
| Recommended for experienced users only (!): |
| ./build php5-cli |
| ./build php6-cli |
| ./build php5-cgi |
| ./build php6-cgi |
| ./build todovecot |
| You can pass a 2nd argument to automate the input: |
| ./build <option> d : do the default action |
| ./build <option> y : answer yes to all questions |
| ./build <option> n : answer no to all questions |
Please copy-paste the command, instead of writing it :) You're missing a character in the command you wrote.
:):) How crazy do you think I am, I copy/pasted ofcourse :):)
I really can not write all these if I wanted to.
I am connectin with Ubuntu, maybe some things are different :)
I was using putty but can not copy there so I had to install openssh server. That's why it took so long
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[admin@server ~]$ su
[root@server admin]# cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
[root@server custombuild]# ./build used configs                 
mail-header-patch=yes is set in the options.conf, but is not required with this php version.
To enable the X-Mail header, set mail.add_x_header to 1 in your php.ini
 |                                                        |
 |            DirectAdmin WebServices Installer           |
 |     Written by Martynas Bendorius and DirectAdmin      |
 |                   Version: 1.2.41                      |
 |                                                        |
 |  To build everything run:                              |
 |     ./build all                                        |
 |                                                        |
 | NOTE: Command all will compile everything as it is set |
 |      in the options.conf file, please take a look at   |
 |      "./build options"!                                |
 |  Install/update server components:                     |
 |     ./build apache                                     |
 |     ./build autoconf                                   |
 |     ./build automake                                   |
 |     ./build awstats                                    |
 |     ./build clamav                                     |
 |     ./build curl                                       |
 |     ./build dovecot                                    |
 |     ./build exim                                       |
 |     ./build freetype                                   |
 |     ./build iconv                                      |
 |     ./build icu                                        |
 |     ./build ioncube                                    |
 |     ./build libjpeg                                    |
 |     ./build libpng                                     |
 |     ./build libtool                                    |
 |     ./build libxml2                                    |
 |     ./build libxslt                                    |
 |     ./build m4                                         |
 |     ./build mailman                                    |
 |     ./build mcrypt                                     |
 |     ./build mhash                                      |
 |     ./build mod_perl                                   |
 |     ./build mysql                                      |
 |     ./build pcre                                       |
 |     ./build php                                        |
 |     ./build proftpd                                    |
 |     ./build pureftpd                                   |
 |     ./build suphp                                      |
 |     ./build spamassassin                               |
 |     ./build webalizer                                  |
 |     ./build zend                                       |
 |     ./build zlib                                       |
 |  Components configuration options:                     |
 |     ./build exim_conf                                  |
 |     ./build php-ini                                    |
 |     ./build rewrite_confs                              |
 |     ./build secure_php                                 |
 |  Install/update web applications:                      |
 |     ./build phpmyadmin                                 |
 |     ./build atmail                                     |
 |     ./build roundcube                                  |
 |     ./build squirrelmail                               |
 |     ./build uebimiau                                   |
 |  CustomBuild related options/functions:                |
 |     ./build create_options                             |
 |     ./build cron                                       |
 |     ./build options                                    |
 |     ./build set option_name value                      |
 |     ./build set_fastest                                |
 |     ./build set_fastest_quiet                          |
 |     ./build update_da                                  |
 |     ./build update_versions                            |
 |     ./build update_webapps                             |
 |     ./build used_configs                               |
 |     ./build versions                                   |
 |  Jailed shell (beta):                                  |
 |     ./build all_jail                                   |
 |     ./build coreutils                                  |
 |     ./build shell                                      |
 |     ./build smtp_mail                                  |
 |     ./jail/ user                           |
 |  Remove old build data:                                |
 |     ./build clean                                      |
 |     ./build clean_old_webapps                          |
 |  Get latest build script or (and) data:                |
 |     ./build update                                     |
 |     ./build update_script                              |
 |  Get data for current build script:                    |
 |     ./build update_data                                |
 |  Recommended for experienced users only (!):           |
 |     ./build php5-cli                                   |
 |     ./build php6-cli                                   |
 |     ./build php5-cgi                                   |
 |     ./build php6-cgi                                   |
 |     ./build todovecot                                  |
 |  You can pass a 2nd argument to automate the input:    |
 |     ./build <option> d : do the default action         |
 |     ./build <option> y : answer yes to all questions   |
 |     ./build <option> n : answer no to all questions    |
Do you have any idea why both times you wrote I see "used configs" in your command, and not "used_configs"?
Well that's another story here :)
[root@server custombuild]# ./build used_configs
mail-header-patch=yes is set in the options.conf, but is not required with this php version.
To enable the X-Mail header, set mail.add_x_header to 1 in your php.ini
Apache configuration file: /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/configure/ap2/configure.apache
suPHP configuration file: /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/custom/suphp/configure.suphp
PHP5 configuration file: /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/configure/suphp/configure.php5
PureFTPD configuration file: /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/configure/pureftpd/configure.pureftpd
Exim Makefile:
[root@server custombuild]#
Location of your php.ini file: /usr/local/etc/php5/cgi/php.ini