Cannot create user, disk and bandwidth asign


Verified User
Oct 12, 2004
Im trying to make new users but i get the next errors in all my resellers accounts

Allowing that much Disk Space would put you over your limit of 2000
Allowing that much Bandwidth would put you over your limit of 25000

The problem is that im only using almost the 20% of the total space or bandwidth i have for that reseller account , if i make those accounts i could reach my limit by asigning that space or bandwidth, but is far away to be used and i need to create more accounts.

What can i do to make new accounts?

If I understand you post, it appears as though you are trying to allocate more resources than your Reseller account allows.

If your hosting provider doesn't allow overselling then you basically can't allocate more than you have.

You could try allocating smaller amounts.

Best thing to do is to check with your hosting provider.

I am having the same problem. I set my accounts up when overselling was allowed. Now my host changed to no overselling.

Here is the problem I get the error message saying it would put me over my limit when trying to reduce the amount allocated to existing users.

My bandwidth limit is 50000 and I have one account that is set to 100000.
I would like to reduce bandwidth allocated to that user but I can now.

As of now I can't add an account and I can't reduce an account!
Is this a bug?? Shouldn't you be able to reduce your allocations?

Any suggestions????

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