Pure-FTPD + CSF + FileZilla


Verified User
Mar 20, 2014
I have:
DA 1.50.1
CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)
CSF 9.23
Newest filezilla

I have a problem since I installed CSF (Firewall) on my server - in FileZilla I can't get list of directories because I always get blacklisted in CSF... I've read 1000 sites in google it's because of ports in FileZilla etc.... but problem is I DON'T HAVE any pure-ftpd config files or directories.... wtf? Where I can find this fu**ing config file? I have only pure-ftpd-dhparams.pem, pureftpd.pdb, pure-ftpd.pem in /etc/... I don't have anything in /etc/init.d or /etc/systemd... I don't understand this.
(I have pure-ftpd turned on in custom build 2.0)

I have created pure-ftpd.conf in /etc/ and restart but I think it doesn't work...

Ok I finally found this - now it works!! - http://forum.directadmin.com/showthread.php?t=50759
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Oh just read the last part.

Glad you figured it out. :)

You should still have the init script pure-ftpd in your /etc/init.d directory. Or is that different in Centos 7 compared to Centos 6?
did you check that you open the ports?
20-21 tcp
[FONT=&quot]PassivePorts 35000 35999

if you need help..
send me p.m[/FONT]