What is going wrong???


Verified User
Mar 22, 2004
I backup user accounts from one server and restore them to another server, on the new server I list accounts and see blanks under Domain(s) for each of the users I restored :(

When I look at the filesystem I see the directories and all the files. Access rights are the same as the old server. I'm very confused :confused:

Both Servers are running RH9, buth servers are running the same version of DA (latest)

What makes this even weirder is that I get errors like "Unable to extract the directory backup from the file /home/admin/user_backups/......tar.gz
Unable to read the backed up user.usage file

I get this on several users I try to restore.

Other users restore fine :(

any ideas?

Gee, Onno, you were the one who told me how well user backups workd :eek: .

Have you tried manual extraction to see if the data is actually in the tarfiles or not?

Hi Jeff,

As stated in my post the data is there and the access rights are correct... DA just does not show the domains.

From 225 users 28 had this problem, the other 197 restored fine.

Here are the stats:

Backuptime (4.8Gb, 225 users 594 domains) 2.5 hours
Transfer Time 1 hour
RestoreTime 1 hour

This must be something to do with the serversetup or DA

The accounts that give problems on my one server restore fine on another server, no errors everything works fine.

Why-o-why is the one server causing so much trouble?

Has anybody got any ideas on this? DA Support Staff?

Usually DA has problems creating domains if there's a trace of them on the server.

Have you checked to see if the domain name exists anywhere on the server?

The easy way to check is:

locate example.com

as root.

I've checked several of the domain names and everything seems to be there except the entry in the account list.


The subdirectories under /home/<username>/domains are there
The files under /var/named are there
The files under /var/log/httpd/domains are there
The subdirectories under /etc/virtual are there
The files under /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/<username>/domains are there.
The subdirectory under /home/<username>/mail is there
The subdirectory under /home/<username>/imap is there


Is there a way for DA to resync it's internal data from the filesystem?

Not that I know of. You will either need to manually delete all traces of the domain from the system (those files that you found) or manually add the user account to directadmin.
jmstacey said:
Not that I know of. You will either need to manually delete all traces of the domain from the system (those files that you found) or manually add the user account to directadmin.

Thant's just it, the useraccounts are there only the domain names are not listed.


Have we figured out yet where those domain names should be listed?

I can probably figure it out but it could take quite a bit of time.

Call me if you'd like us to work on this together.
