Strange problem with apache 2. DA version 1223


New member
Dec 24, 2004

After installing I got some wired problem with DirectAdmin apache 1.x . Its not running vai DA and then I treid to start apache via ssh and its showing me some error msg below ...

Syntax error on line 160 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot add module via name 'mod_php4.c': not in list of loaded modules
/usr/sbin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started

Can you one give me a hint about to fix it :( ?

Thanks and best regards,
Is the php4 module being loaded properly as the error indicates?
Config: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
You can also use the template in /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates as a reference.

Since this is apache2 it is a beta still, but did you update everything accordingly? For example the directadmin.conf
Did you recompile all services along with apache2? (Such as php?)
Althouh this may not be specific to your error, it may still help bring some things to the surface if need be.
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Hi jmstacey,

I just bought the lid and then install directadmin and next day apache was not working. Then I reinstalled it and before reinstall I did rm -rf /usr/local/directadmin. Now its fixed. Can you tell me how can I uninstall directadmin except delete it ?


I found the topic how to uninstall DA after make a search. But its manually . Is there any way to uninstall DA completely by any script ? Like WebMin have a nice uninstall script. Does DA have this kinda uninstall script or DA will have these kind of uninstalling script ?

There is no automatic script to uninstall DirectAdmin that I know of. Will DA have an install script soon? I can't answer that.
A script would have to be very complex, as different users will have different requirements.

Some people will want to delete all domains, some will want to keep all domains, some will want to delete some and keep some.

Likewise with DNS.

Likewise with users.

I suppose a script could be written to completely wipe DA from a server including all users; but that could easily result in a box into which you cannot log in.

Unless the script enables root ssh access, which a lot of people think is an insecurity waiting to be exploited.
