User suspension (and reversability)

GITK Services

Verified User
Mar 8, 2004
Lancashire, UK
Suspending a user via the reseller control panel works, but the user can just unsuspend the domain themselves! As you can probably imagine, this is not a great solution to users who haven't paid their bills!

Any ideas?
Just gave it a try and also noticed that suspending accounts does not work on reseller or admin levels. Nothing happens and websites for users are still accessible. This might just be because it's a beta.

Debian 3.0
DA 1.234

GITK Services, I think that domain and user suspension are different things. Suspending a user from the admin or reseller levels should put a master suspend over the account, while the users will have the ability to suspend or unsespend their own domains. At least thats the way I understand its supposed to work. But none of the suspension features are working for me right now.

I've sent an email to DirectAdmin with this thread referenced.
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cause (would be debian only): if the system level supsension fails, then the system password isn't changed. That will allow them to still log into DA, and change their domains.

I'll take a peek at the code used to suspend the system accounts, but I'm guessing it's using the same code as the redhat based system (this will likely need updating for debian).

The workaround will be to suspend the account through DA, then run the system level suspension command via root/ssh. Adding this to the versions system:

Found it. Sorry, the suspension did in fact suspend the login completely to the control panel - a fact I missed when I did a "login as this user" via the reseller user, which of course let me back in, and unsuspend it.

Sorry for the confusion!