Upload File Size


Verified User
Nov 18, 2004
Indianapolis, IN
I have recently installed the SupportTrio helpdesk software on my DA server to track troubletickets for both my web hosting and consulting business.

I'm currently up against and issue that appears to prevent me from uploading a file larger than 1MB to the on-line file library.

I've checked the upload options in php.ini, and they are set to Yes/10mb.

I can successfully upload smaller files 15k, 350k, etc....

I haven't purchased their product yet, so I'm limited to very basic support, which I believe I've exhausted.

Can anyone think of anyplace where I might be limited on the size of the file that I could upload to the website? My reseller account is unlimited, which is where the website runs under.....

Thanks in advance.
Yep, I sure did. I verified that the upload function was enabled and the original filesize was 2M. Just to cover my bases, I set it to 10M and restarted apache. Problem persists.

The company that makes the software claims it has to be something with my server, since I can upload smaller files. But I'm not sure where else to look.
As I can remind, you can set the upload size in php and some other limitation to post sizes! You should look through your php.ini and check all limitation settings to sizes ;)
I guess I was not entirely clear. The upload and file size settings that I verified and/or modified ARE in the php.ini file.

After making the changes, I DID restart apache. No change in behavior.

From my /usr/local/lib/php.ini file:

; File Uploads ;

; Whether to allow HTTP file uploads.
file_uploads = On

; Temporary directory for HTTP uploaded files (will use system default if not
; specified).
;upload_tmp_dir =

; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 10M

Is there something else that you recommend changing in php.ini?
there are at least 2 locations in php.ini that affect the upload filesize. you also have to make sure that you're changing the upload limitation for the user accts php.ini config, not DA's backend php.ini
wdatkinson said:
I've since been able to resolve my issue. Thanks for the info though. My problem was the file size limit in mysql....

Just came across this thread. Sorry I didn't answer it earlier.

There's a fairly details thread in the howtos on suggested settings for the my.cnf file. You may want to read it when you have a chance.

